
Configuration for a type of security authentication mechanism. Authentication mechanisms are used to determine whether users are permitted to access applications.


Attributes Summary

OID A GSS-unique identifier for a security mechanism.
isCredentialForwardable Should set to true if an AuthMechanism generates a security token which can be validated.
authContextImplClass Specifies the class that implements the WSSecurityContext interface which is invoked by CSIv2 security protocol when establishing a secure association.
authConfig Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the authentication mechanism.
simpleAuthConfig Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the authentication mechanism.
authValidationConfig Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the security token validation mechanism.
trustAssociation Specifies the trust association config including a enable flag and a list of trust association interceptor implementations.
singleSignon Specifies the single sign-on config including enable flag and a SSO domain name.
properties Contains a list of name-value pairs that may be used by the Security Server internal code.


Attribute Details


A GSS-unique identifier for a security mechanism. For example, "" for ibm-LTPA

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Should set to true if an AuthMechanism generates a security token which can be validated.

Data type:   Boolean
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the class that implements the WSSecurityContext interface which is invoked by CSIv2 security protocol when establishing a secure association.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the authentication mechanism.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the authentication mechanism. This attribute may be removed in a future release.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the class that implements the LoginModule interface that provides the security token validation mechanism. This attribute may be removed in a future release.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified


Specifies the trust association config including a enable flag and a list of trust association interceptor implementations.

Data type:  TrustAssociation


Specifies the single sign-on config including enable flag and a SSO domain name.

Data type:  SingleSignon


Contains a list of name-value pairs that may be used by the Security Server internal code.

Data type:  Property