Connection pool properties that can be modified to change the behavior of the J2C connection pool manager. Default values are provided for non-production use. Reviewing and possible modification of these config values is recommended.
Attributes Summary
connectionTimeout Connection timeout is the interval, in seconds, after which a connection request times out and a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is thrown. maxConnections The maximum number of managed connections that can be created by a particular ManagedConnectionFactory. minConnections The minimum number of managed connections to maintain. reapTime Number of seconds between runs of the garbage collector. unusedTimeout Number of milliseconds after which an unused connection is discarded. agedTimeout The aged timeout value for a connection. purgePolicy Whenever a fatal connection error signal is received by the Connection Pool Manager, the Connection Pool Manager needs to either remove just the failing connection or to remove all of the connections in the pool.
Attribute Details
Connection timeout is the interval, in seconds, after which a connection request times out and a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is thrown. The wait may benecessary if the maximum value of connections to a particular connection pool has been reached (Max Connections) . This value has no meaning if Max Connections is set to 0 (infinite number of ManagedConnections). If Connection Timeout is set to 0 or a negative number the Pool Manager waits until a connection can be allocated (which happens when the number of connections falls below Max Connections).
Data type: Long
Default value: 180
The maximum number of managed connections that can be created by a particular ManagedConnectionFactory. After this number is reached, no new connections are created and either the requester waits for the Connection Timeout or the ResourceAllocationException is thrown. If Maximum Connections is set to 0 (zero), the number of connections can grow indefinitely. Maximum Connections must be larger than or equal to Minimum Connections.
Data type: Integer
Default value: 10
The minimum number of managed connections to maintain. If this number is reached, the garbage collector will not discard any managed connections. Note, if the actual number of connections is lower than the value specified by the minimum connections settings, no attempt will be made to increase the number of connections to the minimum. Minimum Connections must be less than or equal to Maximum Connections.
Data type: Integer
Default value: 1
Number of seconds between runs of the garbage collector. The garbage collector discards all connections that have been unused for the value specified by the Unused Timeout. To disable the garbage collector, set the reap time to 0 (zero) or set the Unused Timeout to 0 (zero).
Data type: Long
Default value: 180
Number of milliseconds after which an unused connection is discarded. Setting this value to 0 (zero) disables the garbage collector.
Data type: Long
Default value: 1800
The aged timeout value for a connection. For example, if 60 seconds, the connection will get marked for recycling after 60 seconds.
Data type: Long
Default value: 0
Whenever a fatal connection error signal is received by the Connection Pool Manager, the Connection Pool Manager needs to either remove just the failing connection or to remove all of the connections in the pool. This Purge Policy setting will determine the action of the Connection Pool Manager.
Data type: PurgePolicyKind
Default value: unspecified
Allowed Values: FailingConnectionOnly EntirePool