Inherits from type JMSConnectionFactory and adds the following.
Attributes Summary
queueManager The name of the Queue Manager to connect to. host Host for client connection. port Port for client connection. channel Channel for client connection. transportType Determines what method will be used to connect to the Queue Manager. tempModel The name of a model Queue used to create JMS TemporaryQueues clientID JMS client ID. CCSID Character set used to communicate with the Queue Manager. msgRetention If Checked unwanted messages are left on the Queue, otherwise they are disposed of.
Attribute Details
The name of the Queue Manager to connect to. Must be less than 48 characters.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Host for client connection.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Port for client connection.
Data type: Integer
Default value: unspecified
Channel for client connection.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Determines what method will be used to connect to the Queue Manager. Allowed Values: CLIENT, BINDINGS
Data type: MQTransportType
Default value: BINDINGS
Allowed Values:
The name of a model Queue used to create JMS TemporaryQueues
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
JMS client ID.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Character set used to communicate with the Queue Manager.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
If Checked unwanted messages are left on the Queue, otherwise they are disposed of.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: true