Inherits from type QualityOfProtection and adds the following.
Attributes Summary
establishTrustInClient If enabled, client is expected to authenticate to the server over the transport layer by specifying a client certificate in the SSL config. enableProtection If set to true, enable quality of protection at transport layer. confidentiality If enabled, messages are encrypted at the transport layer. integrity If enabled, integrity checks are applied to ensure messages are not modified while transmitted over the wire at the transport layer.
Attribute Details
If enabled, client is expected to authenticate to the server over the transport layer by specifying a client certificate in the SSL config.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: unspecified
If set to true, enable quality of protection at transport layer.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: unspecified
If enabled, messages are encrypted at the transport layer.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: unspecified
If enabled, integrity checks are applied to ensure messages are not modified while transmitted over the wire at the transport layer.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: unspecified