Represents the binding of an EJB home which has already been configured on some server within the cell. The binding name of the configured binding is the same JNDI name under which the EJB home is bound. This class is a subclass of NameSpaceBinding.
Inherits from type NameSpaceBinding and adds the following.
Attributes Summary
ejbJndiName The JNDI name of the deployed EJB. applicationServerName The name of the cluster or non-clustered server in which the EJB is configured. bindingLocation Indicates whether the EJB is bound in a cluster or a single server. applicationNodeName The node name for the single server in which EJB application is swimming.
Attribute Details
The JNDI name of the deployed EJB. This is the EJB's JNDI name which is in the ejbBindings tag in the EJB's deployment descriptors--not the java:comp name.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
The name of the cluster or non-clustered server in which the EJB is configured.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Indicates whether the EJB is bound in a cluster or a single server.
Data type: BindingLocationType
Default value: unspecified
The node name for the single server in which EJB application is swimming. This value applies only if the bindingLocation value is singleServer.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified