Represents a binding to a NamingContext or leaf node object bound elsewhere in a CosNaming server. This class is a subclass of NameSpaceBinding.
Inherits from type NameSpaceBinding and adds the following.
Attributes Summary
corbanameUrl A corbaname URL string identifying where the target object is bound in a CosNaming server. federatedContext A value of true binds the target object with a CosNaming BindingType value of CosNaming::BindingType.
Attribute Details
A corbaname URL string identifying where the target object is bound in a CosNaming server.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
A value of true binds the target object with a CosNaming BindingType value of CosNaming::BindingType.ncontext. A value of false binds the target object with a binding type of CosNaming::BindingType.nobject.
Data type: Boolean
Default value: unspecified