The message-driven-destination element provides advice to the Deployer as to whether a message-driven bean is intended for a Queue or a Topic. The declaration consists of: the type of the message-driven bean's intended destination and an optional declaration of whether a durable or non-durable subscription should be used if the destination-type is javax.jms.Topic.
Attributes Summary
type The destination-type element specifies the type of the JMS destination. subscriptionDurability The subscription-durability element specifies whether a JMS topic subscription is intended to be durable or nondurable. bean
Attribute Details
The destination-type element specifies the type of the JMS destination. The type is specified by the Java interface expected to be implemented by the destination.The destination-type element must be one of the two following: javax.jms.Queue, javax.jms.Topic
Data type: DestinationType
Default value: unspecified
Allowed Values: Queue Topic
The subscription-durability element specifies whether a JMS topic subscription is intended to be durable or nondurable.The subscription-durability element must be one of the two following: Durable, NonDurable
Data type: SubscriptionDurabilityKind
Default value: unspecified
Allowed Values: Durable NonDurable
Data type: