The root element of the EJB deployment descriptor. It contains an optional description of the ejb-jar file; optional display name; optional small icon file name; optional large icon filename; mandatory structural information about all included enterprise beans; a descriptor for container managed relationships, if any; an optional application-assembly descriptor; and an optional name of an ejb-client-jar file for the ejb-jar.
Attributes Summary
description The description element is used by the ejb-jar file producer to provide text describing the parent element. displayName The display-name element contains a short name that is intended to be display by tools. smallIcon largeIcon ejbClientJar The optional ejb-client-jar element specifies a JAR file that contains the class files necessary for a client program to access the enterprise beans in the ejb-jar file. assemblyDescriptor enterpriseBeans The enterprise-beans element contains the declarations of one or more enterprise beans. relationshipList The relationships collection describes the relationships in which container managed persistence entity beans and dependent objects participate.
Attribute Details
The description element is used by the ejb-jar file producer to provide text describing the parent element. The description element should include any information that the ejb-jar file producer wants to provide to the consumer of the ejb-jar file (i.e. to the Deployer). Typically, the tools used by the ejb-jar file consumer will display the description when processing the parent element.
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
The display-name element contains a short name that is intended to be display by tools. Example: <display-name>Employee Self Service</display-name>
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
The optional ejb-client-jar element specifies a JAR file that contains the class files necessary for a client program to access the enterprise beans in the ejb-jar file. The Deployer should make the ejb-client JAR file accessible to the client's class-loader. Example:<ejb-client-jar>employee_service_client.jar</ejb-client-jar>
Data type: String
Default value: unspecified
Data type: AssemblyDescriptor
The enterprise-beans element contains the declarations of one or more enterprise beans.
Data type: EnterpriseBean
The relationships collection describes the relationships in which container managed persistence entity beans and dependent objects participate. The relationships element contains an optional description; a list of ejb-entity-ref elements (references to entity beans that participate in container managed relationships but whose abstract persistence schemas are not included in the ejb-jar file);and a list of ejb-relation elements, which specify the container managed relationships.
Data type: Relationships