
Inherits from type Entity and adds the following.


Attributes Summary

version Specifies the version of an entity bean with container-managed persistence.
abstractSchemaName The abstract-schema-name element specifies the name of the abstract schema type of an entity bean with cmp-version 2.
queries The optional query elements must be present if the persistence-type is Container and the cmp-version is 2.


Attribute Details


Specifies the version of an entity bean with container-managed persistence.@invariant The cmp-version element must be one of the two following: 1.x , 2.x@default 2.x

Data type:   String
Default value:   2.x


The abstract-schema-name element specifies the name of the abstract schema type of an entity bean with cmp-version 2.x. It is used in EJB QL queries.For example, the abstract-schema-name for an entity bean whose local interface is com.acme.commerce.Order might be Order.

Data type:   String
Default value:   unspecified



Data type:  eAttribute



Data type:  eAttribute


The optional query elements must be present if the persistence-type is Container and the cmp-version is 2.x and query methods other than findByPrimaryKey have been defined for the entity bean.@invariant see description

Data type:  Query