

Attributes Summary

deploymentId A deployment identifier for this application deployment which is incremented if the application is redeployed into the WebSphere environment.
startingWeight A weighting that can be used to allow this deployed object Application(or Module) to be started by a deployment target prior to other deployed objects.
targetMappings A set of target mappings which specify deployment targets and target-specific configs for this deployed object.
configs A set of configs defined for this deployed object.


Attribute Details


A deployment identifier for this application deployment which is incremented if the application is redeployed into the WebSphere environment.

Data type:  String
Default value:   unspecified


A weighting that can be used to allow this deployed object Application(or Module) to be started by a deployment target prior to other deployed objects. The deployed objects are started by ascending order of their starting weight.Range: 0 to 100

Data type:   Integer
Default value:   1


A set of target mappings which specify deployment targets and target-specific configs for this deployed object.

Data type:  DeploymentTargetMapping


A set of configs defined for this deployed object. These configs override the corresponding default configs defined in the deployed object.

Session management settings defined here override ones defined in the server definition.

Data type:  DeployedObjectConfig




















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