Create appservers

One can create a new appserver using the wsadmin tool or the Create New Application Server page of the administrative console. On the Network Deployment product, you can also create a new application server when you add a cluster member to a server cluster.



  1. Go to the Application Servers page and click New. This brings you to the Create New Application Server page.

  2. Follow the instructions on the Create New Application Server page and define your appserver.

    1. Select a node for the appserver.

    2. Type in a name for the appserver. The name must be unique within the node.

    3. Select whether the new server will have unique ports for each HTTP transport.

      By default, this option is enabled. If you select this option, you might need to update the alias list for the virtual host that you plan to use with this server to contain these new port values. If you deselect this option, ensure that the default port values do not conflict with other servers on the same physical machine.

    4. Select a template to be used in creating the new server. One can use a default application server template for your new server or use an existing appserver as a template. The new application server will inherit all properties of the template server.

    5. If you create the new server using an existing appserver as a model, select whether to map applications from the existing server to the new server. By default, this option is disabled.

  3. To use multiple language encoding support in the administrative console, configure an appserver with UTF-8 encoding enabled.

One can change the properties of an appserver by clicking on the name in the Application Servers page.

Application servers
Deploying and managing using scripting