Securing your environment before installation
The following instructions explain how to perform a product installation with proper authority on UNIX platforms, Linux platforms, Solaris operating environments, and Windows platforms.
Unix platforms
On UNIX platforms, log on as root and verify that the umask value is 022.
To verify that the umask value is 022, execute the umask command.
To set up the umask value as 022, execute the umask 022 command.
Linux platforms and Solaris operating environments
On Linux platforms or solaris operating environments, make sure that the /etc directory contains a shadow password file. The shadow password file is named shadow and is in the /etc directory. If the shadow password file does not exist, an error occurs after enabling global security and configuring the user registry as local operating system.
To create the shadow file, run the pwconv command (with no parameters). This command creates an /etc/shadow file from the /etc/passwd file. After creating the shadow file, you can configure local operating system security.