General programming troubleshooting worksheet


Description of the problem and the environment

  1. Problem Summary:







  2. User IDs and access privileges involved (for example, 'wpsadmin/Administrator'):


  3. WebSphere Portal version, release, and fix pack level (also please list any interim fixes





  4. WebSphere Application Server version, release, and fix pack level (also please list any interim

    fixes applied):





  5. Development (IDE) product and version installed, and on what platform?: 


  6. Java 2 SDK product and version installed, (java -fullversion output): 


  7. Web server product and version installed, if any (local or remote and on what platform?): 


  8. LDAP server product and version installed, if any (local or remote and on what platform?):


  9. Database product and version installed, if any other than Cloudscape (local or remote and on

    what platform?): ____________________________________________________________________


  10. If an external security manager is in use, please specify here (include platform): 

    Tivoli Access Manager: ____________________________________________________________

    Netegrity SiteMinder: _____________________________________________________________

    Other: __________________________________________________________________________


  11. WebSphere Portal's operating system: ________________________________________________

    Operating System Patch/Maintenance/Service Pack Level: _______________________________

  12. Number of CPUs on this server? _____________________________________________________

    Amount of RAM installed: __________________________________________________________

    Amount of free hard disk space on all drives: __________________________________________


  13. Please have answers to these questions ready:  

    What methods are in use? 



    Are there any dependent JAR files? ___________________________________________________

    What is the overall goal of the portlet?________________________________________________


    Does it work in the Portal Toolkit's Test Environment or in a stand-alone Portal? ______________

    Does the portlet use the Struts portal framework/JSR 168/WSRP? _________________________


  14. Steps to recreate:














Refer to these files, capture them for later review:

  • Sample code or testcase archived for sharing with IBM support
  • Any log or trace files relevant to the investigation
  • Any configuration files of the server or its components
  • Screen shots

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