Set up the task list
The task list displays all of the user's unfinished tasks. After installation, WebSphere Portal deploys the My Tasks portlet and places it on a task list page, which by default is named My Tasks. After all of the components of a business process are successfully deployed, My Tasks displays that status of all tasks for each user, as depicted in the following figure.
Welcome | Documents | News My Tasks
My Tasks ![]()
Task Date Description Claimed Approve request Jul 26, 2004 Travel request for Dot Yes ![]()
Approve request Jul 27, 2004 Saturn project update Yes ![]()
Approve request Jul 27, 2004 Purchase request for Dot No ![]()
Use the default task list page or you can deploy the portlet to another task list page using the Edit Layout portlet in the page customizer or by using the XML configuration interface. However, if you change the task list page, make the following updates.
- Open Custom Unique Names and assign a unique name to the new task list page.
- Edit and update the following property with the unique name for the new task list page.
processintegration.myTasksPageUniqueName = unique_name_for _new_page- Save and close
- Restart the portal server.
When a user opens a task for processing, an instance of the associated task page definition is dynamically created and added under the task page container for open tasks (My Tasks, by default). A user can open several instances of the same type of task.
The following figure shows a user's task list page with three open tasks. The user has selected the Travel approval task for processing. This action opened the task page instance with the Approval form task processing portlet. The Purchase request and Project planner task pages are also open, but the Travel approval is the selected page in the navigation.
Welcome | Documents | News My Tasks Purchase request Travel approval Project planner
Approval form ![]()
Employee _____________________________ Destination _____________________________ Departure date _____________________________ Return date _____________________________ Accommodations _____________________________ Total cost _____________________________ Justification _____________________________ Resolution
The dynamically created task pages are not displayed in Manage Pages and cannot be administered. They are launched under a dedicated page, the task page container, and are visible only to the user. Task pages remain open until the user either completes the task, closes the task page, or ends the portal session. Users who try to create browser bookmarks of dynamic pages will encounter problems if they try to access them after they are closed.
When testing the components of a business process application, J2EE security must be enabled on the test portal server to correctly display the user's personal tasks.
Change the container for task pages
To change the parent page of the dynamically created task page instances, follow these steps.
- Make sure the new task page container has been assigned a unique name. For this step, use the Custom Unique Names portlet under Portal Settings.
- Invoke the following command specifying the unique name of the new container for value.
WPSconfig.{bat | sh} enable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value- Edit the My Tasks configuration and set the MyTasksPageUniqueName parameter to the unique name of the new task page container.
- Invoke the following command specifying the unique name of the previous container for value.
WPSconfig.{bat | sh} disable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=valueNote: When a task page container is disabled, any active task pages for that container are lost.
See also
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