If you chose not to configure Personalization during installation, manually configure it before you can use it.
To configure Personalization, do the following
Note the following:
Section of properties file: WebSphere Application Server properties
Property | Value |
WasHome |
Description: WebSphere Application Server install directory. Recommended Value: dir Default Value: D:/WebSphere/AppServer |
WasUserHome |
Description: Directory where WebSphere Application Server user data is created. Recommended Value: dir Default Value: D:/WebSphere/AppServer |
WasUserid |
Description: The user ID for WebSphere Application Server security authentication. Recommended Value: userid Default Custom User Registry (CUR) value: wpsbind |
WasPassword |
Description: The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication. Recommended Value: password Default Value: none |
WpsInstallLocation |
Description: The directory where Portal is installed Recommended Value: portal_path Default Value: D:/WebSphere/ |
CellName |
Description: The WebSphere Application Server cell to which the appserver belongs. Recommended Value: cell Default Value: cell |
NodeName |
Description: The node within the cell to which the WebSphere Application Server belongs (typically this value is the same as the host.name for the computer). Recommended Value: node Default Value: node |
ServerName |
Description: The name of the appserver where the Personalization enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other appserver names in the same cell. Recommended Value: WebSphere_Portal Default Value: WebSphere_Portal |
Section of properties file: Database properties
Property | Value |
DbType |
Description: The type of database used with Personalization. Recommended Value: db2 Default Value: cloudscape |
DbDriver |
Description: The Java class name for the JDBC provider that Personalization uses to communicate with its databases. Recommended Value: com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver Default Value: com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver (Cloudscape) |
DbLibrary |
Description: The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. Recommended Value: SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip Default Value: portal_root/shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar, where portal_root is the Portal installation directory. (Cloudscape) |
Section of properties file: Feedback properties
Property | Value |
FeedbackDbUr |
Description:The JDBC URL to the Feedback database. Recommended Value: jdbc:db2:fbkdb Default Value: jdbc:db2j:wpsdp;create=true (Cloudscape) |
FeedbackDbUser |
Description: The Feedback database user. Note: This property is required for DB2 and DB2 for z/OS. For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value must be set to FEEDBACK. Recommended Value: dbuser Default Value:wcmdbadm |
FeedbackDbPassword |
Description: The Feedback database user password. Recommended Value: dbpassword Default Value:ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd |
FeedbackDbNameOnZos |
Description: The name of the remote Personalization Feedback database for IBM Universal Database for z/OS only. Recommended Value:wpsdbzos Default Value:fdbk5zos |
FeedbackDbTablespace |
Description: The name of the Feedback database tablespace. Required for DB2 and z/OS. Recommended Value:wpsdbts Default Value: fdbk5dbs |
Note: Check the output for any error messages before proceeding with the next task. If any of the configuration tasks fail, verify the values in the wpconfig.properties file.
Note: If the passwords were set in the above property files, they do not need to be entered into the command line.
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