# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5724-E76, (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004 - All Rights reserved.

# ------------------------------------------ #
# Properties accessed via Deployment Service #
# ------------------------------------------ #

# WAS settings for portlet deployment
# The followning parameters have all default values and must only be altered to
# adapt to modified WAS settings.

# The Application Server Name of the Portal on a Single Server or the Name of the Cluster.
# If the WAS assignment was manually altered after the portal installation.
# this parameter must be updated to match it. 
# Default: WebSphere_Portal

# WAS administrative host.name
# This parameter will be used to adapt to the WAS administration bootstrap host.name,  
# if the default is not applicable
# Default: localhost
was.admin.host = localhost

# Settings for WAS 5 deployment control #

# control update of portlet configuration settings
# This parameter controls whether the portlet configuration parameters from portlet.xml should
# replace the existing or whether existing should be preserved, and only new ones being added.
# Default: true
update.portlet.preserves.config.settings = true

# controls whether redeploy is supported by appserver
# to update an existing war file.
# Is redeploy is not supported then the portal emulates it 
# by using remove and install.
# This value should not be altered.
# Default = true
use.redeploy = true

# Value of the timeout (in seconds) the deployment tasks waits for an appserver
# event during installation of war files.
# Default: 60
was.notification.timeout = 60

# Value for the starting weight of the portlet applications (war files).
# To ensure a correct initialization sequence, 
# this value must be higher than the starting weight of the Portal.
# Default: 100
portletapp.starting.weight = 100

# This key defines a list of library references which will be added to each deployed WAR file,
# during deployment.
# Multiple references can be specified separated by a comma (',').
# The library references must already be defined in the Application Server and the 
# jar files must already be deployed at the location assigned in the reference definition.
# default:  no reference
portletapp.shared.library.list = 

# Value for the classloader mode for the deployed WAR file.
# Do not modify.
# Valid settings:  PARENT_LAST | PARENT_FIRST
# Default: PARENT_LAST
portletapp.classloader.mode = PARENT_LAST

# Value for the classloader policy for the deployed WAR file
# Do not modify.
# Valid settings:  MULTIPLE | SINGLE
# Default: MULTIPLE
portletapp.classloader.policy = MULTIPLE

# Value for the reload property of the deployed WAR file.
# Do not enable reloading in a production environment.
# Enable reloading only for portlet development and portlet debug purposes.
# true: enable reloading mode for all war files
# false: disable reloading mode for all war files
# preserve: does not modify the setting from ibm-web-ext.xmi
# Valid settings:  false | true | preserve
# Default: false
portletapp.reload.enabled = preserve

# The following values define file locations.
# These settings do all have default values and should only be enabled
# and modified if the defaults are not appropriate.

# the root directory where war files will be stored
# for deployment
# Default: <WPS_HOME>
# application.repository.root.dir =

# the subdirectory name where war/ear files will be stored
# Default: deployed
application.repository.dir.name = deployed

# the root directory where job files will be stored
# for deployment
# Default: <WPS_HOME>
# jobs.root.dir =

# the subdirectory name where job files will be stored
# Default: jobs
jobs.dir.name = jobs

# temporary files created during deployment in <application.repositiory.dir.name>/temp' will be deleted or kept
# Default = true
delete.temp.files = true

# This key allows to select between two user authentication mechanisms for the Portal 
# Portlet Deployment Manager to authenticate with the Application Server Admin Services
# when Portal security is enabled.
# The following modes can be set, with the expression given in braces.
# Mode 1 (use.admin.user = true):   
#         Use a single identity for all Portal admin users who issue WAR deployment requests.
# Mode 2 (use.admin.user = false):  
#         Use the login identity of the Portal user who issued the WAR deployment request.
# Note:  in Mode 1,  the single user must be registered with Application Server Console User Administrator rights.
#        in Mode 2,  each Portal user with portlet deployment rights, must be added to the Application Server
#                    Console User list with Adminstrator rights. Alternatively the Group of Portal Administrators
#                    can be added to the Console Group with Administrator rights.
# default:  true
use.admin.user = true

# This key controls whether the Portal shall shorten certain names during
# WAR file deployment, as there is a pathlength limit on Windows operating
# system platforms of max. 260 characters.
# Expanding a WAR file into the Application Server can exceed this limit if
# a) the <display-name> in the web.xml is very long
# b) the filename of the WAR file is very long
# c) the package names of the contained classes / resources are long
# d) the intallation path of the WebSphere components is deep (e.g. c:\Pragram Files\WebSphere
# The Portal will shorten the following names during deployment, if they exceed 
# a certain limit (see below: deployment.names.limit)
# a) the <display-name> used for the EAR deployment
# b) the name of the WAR file inside the EAR file
# Note: 
#   The pathname limit applies only to Windows, thus the switch can be set to 'false'
#   on all other platforms.
#   However, it must be turned on in a heterogenous Cluster environment, if a
#   Windows node is involved.
# default = true
shorten.deployment.names = true

# This key defines the length limit of the deployment names if
# shorten.deployment.names = true
# default = 21
deployment.names.limit = 21

# The following settings are for debug purposes only
# They should only be enabled if instructed by support personnel.
# Valid settings:  false | true
# Default: false
deployment.debug.log.times = false


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