Migrating derived pages

In previous versions of WebSphere Portal, derived pages did not have locale-specific titles. The derived pages were displayed with the title of the base page followed by the administrative names in parentheses. For example: Base Page Title (administrative name)

Administrative page names in previous versions of WebSphere Portal have no direct equivalent in WebSphere Portal V5.1. In V5.1, the unique name that is created for the page during migration has the old administrative name appended to it. The administrative name is part of the unique name.

In WebSphere Portal V5.1, the ability to change titles and descriptions of derived pages is enabled by default. Since derived pages did not have locale-specific titles in previous versions of WebSphere Portal, derived pages will not have locale-specific titles after migrating to V5.1. In order to distinguish the derived pages from base pages, WebSphere Portal V5.1 displays the migrated derived pages with titles similar to the following names:

  • 6_0_7F

  • 6_0_7G

  • 6_0_7H

To migrate derived pages

After migration perform the following steps to modify the titles for your derived pages.

  1. From the Manage Pages portlet, locate the page that you want to rename.

  2. Open the properties for that page.

  3. Modify the name of the page to an appropriate unique name.

After these titles are modified, the derived pages will be displayed correctly.


See also


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