Overview Package Class Use Deprecated Help IBM WebSphere PortalTM
Package com.ibm.wps.portletservice.credentialvault.credentials
Class Summary BinaryPassiveCredential Simple standard implementation of PassiveCredential for binary credential secrets. BinaryCredential Abstract subclass of ActiveCredential where the user's secret is in binary form. SiteMinderTokenCredential Credential for authenticating at a back-end system that is within the same SiteMinder SSO-Domain as the portal, i.e. LtpaTokenCredential Credential for authenticating at a back-end system that is within the same AppServer SSO-Domain as the portal. HttpBasicAuthCredential Credential for authenticating at the back-end via http basic authentication. JavaMailCredential Credential for authenticating at the back-end the javax.mail API. JaasSubjectPassiveCredential This credential is only a container of the user's secret. SSMTokenCredential Credential for authenticating at a back-end system that is within the same Openwave SSM SSO-Domain as the portal, i.e. SimplePassiveCredential Simple standard implementation of PassiveCredential. JaasSubjectCredential Abstract subclass of ActiveCredential where the user's secret is a JAAS Subject pair.
WebSealTokenCredential Credential for authenticating at a back-end system that is within the same WebSeal SSO-Domain as the portal, i.e. PassiveCredential A PassiveCredential is simply a container for an user's secret. UserPasswordPassiveCredential Simple standard implementation of PassiveCredential. ActiveCredential An Active credential hides the user's secret from the portlet and does all the authentication (communication) for the portlet. UserPasswordCredential Abstract subclass of ActiveCredential where the user's secret is a userid/password pair. HttpFormBasedAuthCredential Credential for authenticating at the back-end via Http Form Based authentication. Credential Abstract base class for all credential classes.
Package Description
This package defines the portal provided credential objects that can be used to retrieve user credentials from the vault with the credential portlet service.
Overview Package Class Use Deprecated Help IBM WebSphere PortalTM
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