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Package com.ibm.wps.portlets
Interface Summary MVCActionListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCController Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCMessageListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCPageListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCSessionListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCTitleListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. MVCWindowListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. PortletController Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead.
Class Summary AbstractMVCActionListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCController Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCMessageListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCPageListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCSessionListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCTitleListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractMVCWindowListener Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. AbstractPortletController Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. JSPPortlet Deprecated. MVCPortlet Deprecated. Use Struts framework instead. ServletInvokerPortlet Deprecated.
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