


  1. Prepare to uninstall
  2. Uninstall WebSphere Portal using the graphical uninstallation program
  3. Uninstall with the console interface
  4. Uninstall with a response file
  5. Uninstall manually
  6. Uninstall MQ Series Components


Prepare to uninstall

You can make a backup of WebSphere Portal configuration using the XML configuration interface (xmlaccess). In addition, you have the option to delete or keep the WebSphere Portal database. The following data is not saved by an XML configuration export and will be deleted if you remove the database:

  • User attributes that are stored in the database and not in LDAP
  • Credential data that is stored in the default vault implementation
  • Data that is used by the Document Manager

Password considerations: For security reasons, not store passwords in the wpconfig.properties file. It is recommended that you edit the wpconfig.properties file prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, you should delete all passwords from the wpconfig.properties file. For more information, see Delete passwords.

Alternatively, you can specify the password on the command line...

WPSconfig.sh task_name -Dpassword_property_key=password_value

As with other properties, each password property must have the -D prefix and be set equal to (=) a value. If you have multiple properties in a single command, use a space character between each -Dproperty=value setting.

  1. Decide whether to disable security (if enabled). If you are running WebSphere Portal with security enabled, you can uninstall without affecting your security setting, or you can choose to disable security before uninstalling. To disable security before continuing uninstallation, perform the following steps:

    1. Edit...

    2. Ensure that the following properties have the appropriate values for your setup. The following properties must be updated to reflect your original settings before disabling security. If this is not done the administrator will not have administrative rights.

      For example, the WasUserid:

      Some values, shown here in italics, might need to be modified to your specific environment. See Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.

      Section of properties file: WebSphere Application Server configuration properties

      Property Value

      Description: The user ID for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

      LDAP Note: For LDAP configuration this value should not contain spaces.

      Recommended values when using LDAP security:

      Custom User Registry: wpsbind
      IBM Directory Server: uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com
      Domino: cn=wpsbind,o=yourco.com
      Active Directory: cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com
      SunOne: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com
      Novell eDirectory: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com

      Default Value: <none>


      Description: The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

      Recommended value: No recommended value for this property.

      Default Value: <none>

      Section of properties file: Portal configuration

      Property Value

      Description: The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Portal administrator. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: uid=portaladminid,o=default organization

      Default value: <none>


      Description: The short form of the user ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: portaladminid

      Default value: <none>


      Description: The password for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: No recommended value for this property

      Default value: <none>


      Description: The group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization

      Default value: <none>


      Description: The short form of the group ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminGroupId property. Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: wpsadmins

      Default value: <none>

      Section of properties file: Database properties

      Property Value

      Description: The user ID for the database administrator.

      Recommended Value: No recommended value for this property.

      Default Value: db2admin


      Description: The password for the database administrator.

      Recommended Value: No recommended value for this property.

      Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd

    3. Perform this task only if you are using LDAP with a LookAside database. Set the LookAside property (in the LDAP propertes section) to false.

    4. Save and close the wpconfig.properties file.

    5. Open a command prompt and change to the directory


    6. Enter the following command:

    If you choose to leave security enabled, you can always disable it later using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

  2. Decide whether to keep database information.

    If you are using a database other than Cloudscape and you want to preserve the WebSphere Portal information in your database, you can leave your database as it is before uninstalling. However, if you want to uninstall WebSphere Portal completely, you can remove the databases and database tables before uninstalling.

    If you choose to keep the database information, you will not be able to use it with subsequent installations of WebSphere Portal, although you can still access the information through your database software.

    To remove the WebSphere Portal information from the database:

    1. Stop WebSphere Portal.

    2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory wp_root/config.

    3. Remove the database tables by running the following commands:

    4. Remove the databases by doing one of the following steps:

      • If you are running DB2 on a local machine, run the following commands:

        • UNIX:

        • Windows:

          • WPSconfig.bat drop-database-wps -DPortalAdminPwd=password

          • WPSconfig.bat drop-wmm-db -DPortalAdminPwd=password

          • WPSconfig.bat remove-feedback-databases-db2 -DPortalAdminPwd=password

          • WPSconfig.bat remove-likeminds-database-db2 -DPortalAdminPwd=password

      • If you are running DB2 on a remote machine or if you are running a different database program, use the utilities that are provided with the database software to remove the databases manually.

    If you choose to leave your database information unchanged, you can always delete the WebSphere Portal databases and database tables later using your database software.

  3. Remove references to the Lotus Workplace shared library. Complete the following steps:

    1. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server administrative server is running.

    2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory

      • Windows/UNIX: wp_root/config

    3. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server administrative server is running.

    4. Enter the following command:

      • UNIX: ./WPSconfig.sh action-remove-lwp-shared-library -DPortalAdminPwd=password

      • Windows: WPSconfig.bat action-remove-lwp-shared-library -DPortalAdminPwd=password

  4. Stop servers if you are running with security enabled.

    1. To stop the WebSphere Application Server administrative server that is running with security enabled:

      1. Open a command prompt and change the directory to was_root/bin.

      2. Enter the following command:

        stopServer server1 -user admin_userid -password admin_password

    2. To stop the WebSphere Portal appserver:

      1. Open a command prompt and change to the WebSphere Application Server /bin directory.

        • winunix: was_root/bin

      2. Enter the following command:

        • winunix: stopServer WebSphere_Portal -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password


Uninstall WebSphere Portal using the graphical uninstallation program

The uninstallation program automatically removes everything that was installed by the WebSphere Portal installation program. ( If the WebSphere Portal directory remains after uninstalling, delete the directory manually.) If WebSphere Application Server was installed by the WebSphere Portal installation program, WebSphere Application Server will be removed when WebSphere Portal is uninstalled. However, if you installed WebSphere Portal with an existing WebSphere Application Server, the uninstallation program will simply remove WebSphere Portal and its components without affecting WebSphere Application Server.

  1. Launch the uninstallation program by doing one of the following steps:

    • Windows only: Select WebSphere Portal from the Add/Remove Programs window in the Control Panel.

    • Uninstall from the commandline:

      the directory/wp_root/uninstall

  2. Select the language for the uninstallation, and click OK. The welcome panel is displayed.

  3. Click Next to display the confirmation panel.

  4. Click Next to begin the uninstallation process. When the uninstallation program finishes, the program displays a confirmation panel.

  5. Click Finish to close the uninstallation program.

  6. Restart the machine. This is of particular importance if you intend to install WebSphere Portal again on the same machine.

Solaris: During the uninstallation, some messages related to the WebSphere MQ First Failure Symptom Report (FFST) may be generated. For example:

Dec 12 21:08:14 chogo MQSeries: FFST record created in /var/mqm/errors/AMQ22027.0.FDC
Dec 12 21:08:14 chogo last message repeated 2 times
Dec 12 21:08:14 chogo MQSeries: FFST record created in /var/mqm/errors/AMQ22030.0.FDC
Dec 12 21:08:14 chogo last message repeated 2 times

If such messages are displayed, they can be ignored.


Uninstall with the console interface

The WebSphere Portal uninstallation program also provides a console interface, which enables you to perform an interactive uninstallation from a command prompt.

To launch the uninstallation program from the console interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Change directory to the WebSphere Portal uninstall directory:


  2. Enter the following command:

    • UNIX: ./uninstall.sh -console

    • Windows: uninstall.bat -console

The console interface presents the same content as the graphical uninstallation program, only in a textual form. Indicate your selections by entering a number corresponding to your choice and proceed through the uninstallation by pressing Enter.

For example, to select the language that you want to use for the uninstallation, you would see output similar to the following example:

C:\WebSphere\PortalServer\uninstall>uninstall -console
IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms 5.1

Select a language to be used for this wizard.

[ ] 1  - Czech
[X] 2  - English
[ ] 3  - French
[ ] 4  - German
[ ] 5  - Greek
[ ] 6  - Hungarian
[ ] 7  - Italian
[ ] 8  - Japanese
[ ] 9  - Korean
[ ] 10 - Polish
[ ] 11 - Portuguese
[ ] 12 - Portuguese (Brazil)
[ ] 13 - Russian
[ ] 14 - Simplified Chinese
[ ] 15 - Spanish
[ ] 16 - Traditional Chinese
[ ] 17 - Turkish

To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]



Uninstall with a response file

WebSphere Portal can also be uninstalled from a command line through the use of a response file. When uninstalling with a response file, the uninstallation program can retrieve information from the response file that would otherwise be entered by the user during the uninstallation. Uninstalling from a command line with a response file is well suited to situations where the use of a graphical uninstallation program is impractical or undesirable.

To run the uninstallation program with a response file, enter the following command from the wp_root/uninstall directory:

  • UNIX: ./uninstall.sh -options "path_to_file/response_filename"

  • Windows: uninstall.bat -options "path_to_file\response_filename"

where path_to_file is the full path to the response file containing the values that you want to use during the uninstallation and response_file_name is the name of the file. Note that quotation marks are required around the file name only if there are spaces in the directory path or file name.

For example:

  • UNIX: ./uninstall.sh -options /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/uninstallresponse.txt

  • Windows:  uninstall.bat -options "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer\uninstallresponse.txt"

A sample response file (uninstallresponse.txt) file is located in the root directory of the setup CD.


Uninstall response file parameters

The following parameters can be specified in the response file or directly on the command line when issuing the uninstallation command.

Parameter default Description


Description: Specify this parameter if you want to uninstall WebSphere Portal silently. When uninstalling silently, the uninstallation program will not display any graphical interface panels or solicit input from the user. Note that if a required parameter is not specified in this response file, an error message will be logged.

If you want to use this response file but do not want to uninstall silently, comment the parameter out.

-W uninstallWas.choice="leave"


Description: Indicate whether you want to leave WebSphere Application Server installed on the machine when you are uninstalling WebSphere Portal.


  • leave - Leave WebSphere Application Server on the machine. This option is only available if you installed WebSphere Application Server separately before you installed WebSphere Portal or if you performed a coexistence installation to install another instance of WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal.

  • uninstall - Uninstall WebSphere Application Server when you uninstall WebSphere Portal. This option is only available if you installed WebSphere Application Server using the WebSphere Portal installation program.
-W defaults.removeWasConfig="true"


Description: If you installed WebSphere Portal on a node managed by a deployment manager and then removed the node from the cell, there will no longer be any WebSphere Portal information in the resulting WebSphere Application Server configuration. This will cause the WebSphere Portal uninstallation program to fail. With this parameter, you can indicate whether the uninstallation program should attempt to remove WebSphere Portal information from the WebSphere Application Server configuration during uninstallation.

This parameter is not included in the sample response file (uninstallresponse.txt). add this parameter to your response file if you are uninstalling WebSphere Portal in the situation described above.


  • true - The uninstallation program will attempt to remove WebSphere Portal information from the WebSphere Application Server configuration. This is the default value.

  • false - The uninstallation program will not attempt to remove WebSphere Portal information from the WebSphere Application Server configuration. Use this option if you installed WebSphere Portal on a managed node and subsequently removed the node from the cell before attempting to uninstall WebSphere Portal.


Uninstall manually

In most cases, follow one of the preceding sets of instructions to uninstall WebSphere Portal. But, if the uninstallation program is not present, or if an aborted installation did not create a complete and functional uninstallation program, you can uninstall WebSphere Portal manually.

The following instructions provide steps for uninstalling WebSphere Portal manually. A reference to uninstalling WebSphere Application Server is provided. Make sure that you follow all instructions for uninstalling WebSphere Application Server before continuing with the remainder of the steps in this section.

To uninstall WebSphere Portal manually:

  1. Delete the directory tree for WebSphere Portal (PortalServer). The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

    Operating system Location
    AIX /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
    Linux /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
    Solaris /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
    Windows C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer

  2. Uninstall WebSphere Application Server. Depending on the state of WebSphere Application Server, you might need to uninstall WebSphere Application Server manually, also. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server documentation for details.

  3. Edit the vpd.properties file to remove the lines that are related to portal. Do not delete or rename the vpd.properties file because the InstallShield for Multiplatforms (ISMP) program uses it for other products that it installs.

    To edit the file, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the vpd.properties file. The following table shows the default location for the vpd.properties file:

      Operating system Location
      AIX /usr/lib/objrepos/vpd.properties
      Linux /vpd.properties or /root/vpd.properties
      Solaris /vpd.properties or /root/vpd.properties
      Windows C:\WINNT\vpd.properties or C:\WINDOWS\vpd.properties

    2. Remove all lines that contain the string that represents the portal installation location. For example, delete lines that contain the following strings:

      Operating system Delete lines that contain this string
      AIX /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
      Linux /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
      Solaris /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
      Windows C:\Program Files\WebSphere\PortalServer

      The default installation locations are shown in the previous list. The location for your portal installation might differ.

    3. Save the vpd.properties file and close it.

  4. Remove entries that are related to WebSphere Portal from the native registry for your operating system. Use the native registry tool for your operating system to remove the following entries.

    • Windows:

      1. Read the Windows help system for information about using the Windows Registry Editor.

        The following instructions provide steps for editing the Windows registry. Before you proceed, note that your computer may not function properly if an incorrect entry or deletion is made. If this happens, you can restore the registry. See the Windows Help system for more information.

      2. Click Start > Run, and then type regedit to start the Windows Registry Editor.

      3. Delete all entries under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> IBM -> WebSphere Portal Personalization.

    • UNIX:

      1. Delete the following portal component names:

        • IBMWPScore

        • IBMWPSPlatformSpecificplatformFiles-5.1-0

          where platform is one of the following strings:

        • e44a44c17bc4df37f9e9a6e911e59b42-5.1-0

        Examples for displaying a component name:

        AIX: lslpp -l | grep IBMWPSPlatformSpecificAixFiles-5.1-0
        Linux: rpm -qa | grep IBMWPSPlatformSpecificLinuxFiles-5.1-0
        Solaris: pkginfo | grep IBMWPSPlatformSpecificSolarisFiles-5.1-0


Uninstall MQ Series Components

After uninstalling WebSphere Portal, MQ Series components may still be installed on your system. These components may be used by other applications on your system in which case, they should not be uninstalled. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server information at...


...for more information about manually uninstalling MQ Series components.


See also


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