Portal Configuration task reference
WebSphere Portal base tasks
- action-add-wmm-system-id
- action-remove-wmm-system-id
- action-start-application
- action-stop-application
- archive-was-ext
- backup-main-cfg-file
- basic-config
- change-wmm-system-id
- cleanup-work-dir
- config-was-internal-http
- connect-database
- create-all-db
- create-database
- create-db2-database-feedback
- create-db2-database-jcr
- create-local-database-db2
- create-wmm-db
- create-wps-db
- database-transfer
- database-transfer-jcr
- default
- delegate-all-conversions
- delegate-presentation-conversions
- delegate-spreadsheet-conversions
- delegate-text-conversions
- delete-passwords
- deploy-infocenter
- disable-security
- drop-database
- drop-database-wps
- drop-tables-database-wmm
- drop-tables-database-wps
- drop-wmm-db
- enable-security-ldap
- enable-security-wmmur-db
- enable-security-wmmur-ldap
- init
- lcc-configure-all
- lcc-configure-quickplace
- lcc-configure-sametime
- lcc-configure-discoveryserver
- lcc-configure-dominodirectory
- modify-servlet-path
- modify-wcm-host
- portlets
- portlets -admin
- remove-conversion-delegation
- remove-was-cfg
- secure-portal-cur
- secure-portal-ldap
- setup-productivity-components
- setup-transcoding
- setup-was
- start-admin-server
- start-portal-server
- stop-admin-server
- stop-portal-server
- update-contentaccessservice-proxy
- update-wtp-translation
- validate-database-connection-feedback
- validate-database-connection-wmm
- validate-database-connection-wps
- validate-database-driver
- validate-http-portal
- validate-ldap
- validate-wmmur-ldap
- validate-wps-admin-login
- wmm-database
External security manager tasks
- enable-sm-authorization
- enable-sm-all
- enable-sm-tai
- enable-tam-all
- enable-tam-tai
- enable-tam-authorization
- enable-tam-userprov
- run-svrssl-config
- enable-tam-vault
- validate-pdadmin-connection
- See also
WebSphere Portal base tasks
These tasks are invoked by running WPSconfig.sh script. To run the WPSconfig script with more than one option at a time, use the format below:
WPSconfig.sh -Dproperty1=value1 -Dproperty2=value2 task-name-goes-here
All configuration tasks must be run as root (UNIX) or as Administrator (Windows).
Description: Deploys credentials; configures WMM and Puma. Usage: Run as a sub-task of enable-security-ldap and secure-portal-ldap. Inputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Removes credentials; configures WMM and Puma. Usage: Run as a sub-task of disable-security. Inputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Starts an application installed or mapped to WebSphere_Portal server. Usage: Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example: ./WPSconfig.sh action-start-application -DApplication=Name
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs passed with the command line:
Input Description Application Application name to be stopped. Assumptions Use with single WAS installation. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Stops an application installed or mapped to WebSphere_Portal server. Usage: Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example: ./WPSconfig.sh action-stop-application -DApplication=Name
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs passed with the command line:
Input Description Application Application name to be stopped. Assumptions Use with single WAS installation. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: This task is only required in a clustered environment when using Member Manager user registry security mode. This task archives Member Manager binaries and WebSphere Portal scripting prerequisites from the WebSphere Portal system into... wp_root/config/work/wasextarchive.jarIf there is an existing wasextarchive.jar file in the output directory, it will be deleted first before the new file is created. The archive must then be manually copied and unarchived on the WebSphere Portal Network Deployment system before enabling security using the Member Manager user registry mode on a federated node. The archive also needs to be copied and unarchived on other WebSphere Portal only nodes in the cell which has Member Manager user registry security mode enabled.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
./WPSconfig.sh archive-was-extInputs: None. Assumptions None. Password considerations: None. Error Conditions: None. Task dependencies: None. Tasks invoked: None.
Description: Makes a backup copy of the wpconfig.properties file. This task can be performed at any time to retain a version of the properties used during configuration. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh backup-main-cfg-fileInputs: None Assumptions The backup copy of the file is named wpconfig_timestamp.properties, where timestamp indicates the time the copy was made. For example, wpconfig_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm.properties.Error Conditions: This task will fail if the wpconfig.properties file cannot be found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Performs all basic configuration to set up WebSphere Portal, including initializing the database, setting up WAS and Personalization, and setting up WebSphere Portal's transcoding capability and the enterprise applications associated with WebSphere Portal. Usage: Typically invoked automatically as part of the WebSphere Portal installation. If the WebSphere Portal installation program is started with the -W basicConfig.choice="no" flag, the basic-config task is not performed and must be invoked manually after installation. For example:
WPSconfig.sh basic-configInputs: None Assumptions WAS must be installed and running before this task is invoked. Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-init-database, wmm-database, setup-was, setup-wmm-portal, setup-transcoding
Description: Changes WMM system ID. Usage: WPSconfig.sh change-wmm-system-id
Inputs: None Assumptions Requires WAS and WebSphere Portal to be enabled. Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Performs cleanup of working config files. Usage: Deletes working config files for security or to save disk space. For example:
WPSconfig.sh cleanup-work-dirInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal product files are not found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Changes the WAS internal transport port with the port value from the wpconfig.properties file. Usage: Changes the port to the WAS internal transport port. For example:
WPSconfig.sh config-was-internal-httpInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: This task can only be used if running without an HTTP server. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-set-http-transport, action-create-host-alias
Description: Connects the database for clustered installation by removing the old datasources and JDBC provider and creating new datasources and JDBC provider. Usage: Invoked to connect the database for clustered installation. For example:
WPSconfig.sh connect-databaseInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-remove-datasource-wps, action-remove-datasource-wmm, action-remove-jdbcprovider-wps, action-create-jdbcprovider-wps, action-create-datasource-wps, action-create-datasource-wmm, action-config-portal-dev, action-set-shared-library, action-set-http-transport
Description: Creates the WebSphere Portal and WMM databases for DB2 only. Usage: Invoked to create the WebSphere and WMM databases for use with DB2. For example:
./WPSconfig.sh create-all-dbInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbUrl Database URL used to access the wpsdb database with JDBC. DbUser Database user. DbPassword Database user password. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WmmDbName Name of the Member Manager database. WmmDbSchema Name of the Member Manager database schema. WmmDbUrl Database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. WmmDbUser User ID for the Member Manager database administrator. WmmDbPassword Password for the Member Manager database administrator. Assumptions None Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: create-wps-db, create-wmm-db Tasks invoked: None
Description: Create the wpsdb and WMMDB databases used with WebSphere Portal. Only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh create-databaseInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbUrl Database URL used to access the wpsdb database with JDBC. DbUser Database user. DbPassword Database user password. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WmmDbName Name of the Member Manager database. WmmDbSchema Name of the Member Manager database schema. WmmDbUrl Database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. WmmDbUser User ID for the Member Manager database administrator. WmmDbPassword Password for the Member Manager database administrator. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: create-wps-db, create-wmm-db
Description: Creates a local Feedback DB2 database. Usage: Invoked to create a local Feedback DB2 database. For example:
WPSconfig.sh create-db2-database-feedbackInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. FeedbackDbUrl JDBC URL to the Feedback database. FeedbackDbUser Feedback database user. FeedbackDbPassword Feedback database user password. DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. Assumptions Must have DB2 installed and running. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DFeedbackDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if DB2 is not installed and running. Task dependencies: action-remove-feedback-db2 Tasks invoked: None
Description: Creates a DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database in a local DB2 installation to store Document Manager, Personalization, and Feedback data. Usage: Invoked to create a local DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition DB2 database. For example:
./WPSconfig.sh create-db2-database-jcrInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. JcrDbUrl JDBC URL to the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database. JcrDbUser DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user. JcrDbPassword DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user password. DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. Assumptions Must have DB2 installed and running. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DJcrDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if DB2 is not installed and running. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Creates all the local DB2 databases used with WebSphere Portal and Personalization. Usage: Invoked for convenience to automatically create the local DB2 databases. For example:
WPSconfig.sh create-local-database-db2Inputs: None Assumptions DB2 must be installed locally. For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Error Conditions: Task will fail if DB2 is not installed. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-create-feedback-database-db2, create-database, create-db2-database-jcr
Description: Creates the WMM database used with WebSphere Portal. This task only creates the database and does not create any tables or perform any other initialization. Note that this task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh create-wmm-dbInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WmmDbName Name of the Member Manager database. WmmDbSchema Name of the Member Manager database schema. WmmDbUrl Database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. WmmDbUser User ID for the Member Manager database administrator. WmmDbPassword Password for the Member Manager database administrator. Assumptions None Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWmmDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Creates the wpsdb database. This task only creates the database and does not create any tables or perform any other initialization. Note that this task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh create-wps-dbNote: Can be invoked directly as part of the WPSconfig script file or can be invoked by another configuration task, such as create-database.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. WpsDbName Name of the database used with WebSphere Portal. WpsDbSchema Name of the WebSphere Portal database schema. DbUrl wps database URL. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. Assumptions None Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies:
- action-create-wps-db-mp
Tasks invoked: None
Description: Transfers existing data from the default database (Cloudscape). Usage: Invoked to transfer existing data from the default database. For example:
WPSconfig.sh database-transferInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init, stop-portal-server Tasks invoked: action-database-transfer-export-wps, action-remove-datasource-wps, action-remove-datasource-wmm, action-remove-jdbcprovider-wps
Description: Transfers DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition data (user data and user objects) from Cloudscape to a production database type. Usage: During Portal basic configuration, data is installed to Cloudscape. This task transfers data to a production database of a different type. WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-jcr
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation
directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. WasHome directory where WAS is installed. WasUserHome directory where WAS user data is created. CellName WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. NodeName node within the WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. DbType Type of DB to configure
- cloudscape
- db2
- db2_zos
- oracle
- sqlserver
DbLibrary directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. JcrDbUrl URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC. JcrDbName Name of the WebSphere Portal database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables. JcrDbUser DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's tables and database resources. JcrDbPassword DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator password. Assumptions DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database exists currently in Cloudscape. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the Information Center and accessible during the transfer process. Error Conditions: Database not accessible. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: None
Description: Displays information explaining how the WebSphere Portal configuration program should be invoked. Usage: Although this task can be explicitly invoked, it is typically invoked by default when the WPSconfig script file is executed with no targets specified. For example:
WPSconfig.sh defaultInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Delegates all file conversion services to a remote machine Usage: Call this optional task if you want all document conversions to be performed on a remote machine. Note that install the DCS web application on the remote server. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost
The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.) Password considerations: None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Delegates presentation file conversion services to a remote machine. Usage: Call this optional task if you want presentation document conversions (such as Microsoft PowerPoint to Portal Presentation and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine. Note that install the DCS web application on the remote server. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost
The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.) Password considerations: None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Delegates spreadsheet file conversion services to a remote machine Usage: Call this optional task if you want spreadsheet document conversions (such as MS Excel to Portal Spreadsheet and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine. Note that install the DCS web application on the remote server. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost
The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.) Password considerations: None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Delegates text file conversion services to a remote machine Usage: Call this optional task if you want text document conversions (such as MS Word to Portal Text and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine. Note that install the DCS web application on the remote server. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost
The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.) Password considerations: None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Removes passwords from the wpconfig.properties file. Usage: Invoked to remove passwords from the wpconfig.properties file for security reasons. Passwords must be restored before running additional configuration tasks. For example:
WPSconfig.sh delete-passwordsInputs: None Assumptions None Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal product files are not found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Disables global security on WAS and modifies WebSphere Portal to use basic portal-based authentication with the WMM database. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh disable-securityInputs: The following properties from the wpconfig.properties file must be updated to reflect the original settings before disabling security. If this is not done the administrator will not have administrative rights. For example, the WasUserid:
- The default value after installation and before enabling security is: ReplaceWithYourWASUserID
- The recommended value when enabling security with LDAP is:
- IBM Directory Server: uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com
- Domino: cn=wpsbind,o=setgetweb.com
- Active Directory: cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com
- SunOne: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=setgetweb.com
- Novell eDirectory: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=setgetweb.com
- Custom User Registry (CUR): wpsbind
- The value change back to before disabling security is:
- IBM Directory Server: uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com
- Domino: cn=wpsbind,o=setgetweb.com
- Active Directory: cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com
- SunOne: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=setgetweb.com
- Novell eDirectory: uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=setgetweb.com
- Custom User Registry (CUR): wpsbind
Input Description WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. PortalAdminId The user ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator.
PortalAdminIdShort short form of the user ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminGroupId group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs. PortalAdminGroupIdShort short form of the group ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminGroupId property. DbUser User ID for the database administrator. DbPassword Password for the database administrator. Assumptions
- Before this task is performed, WAS must be running and the wpsdb and Member Manager databases must be created and initialized.
- Security must be enabled.
- The LookAside property in the wpconfig.properties file must be set to false.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: This task will fail if WAS is not running or if a connection to the databases cannot be established. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: unsecure-configservice, action-disable-was-security
Description: Drops the wpsdb database. Note that this task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh drop-databaseInputs: None Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Error Conditions: This task will fail if the wpsdb database does not exist or if communication with the database cannot be established. Task dependencies: init, drop-wps-db Tasks invoked: None
Description: Completely drops the wpsdb database. This task drops the database and any tables. Note that this task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked to completely erase the database when using a local DB2 database. For example: WPSconfig.sh drop-database-wps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. WpsDbName Name of the database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. WpsDbSchema Name of the WebSphere Portal database schema. DbUrl wps database URL. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies:
- init
- action-drop-wps-db-mp
Tasks invoked: None
Description: Cleans the tables from the wpsdb database. Usage: Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
WPSconfig.sh drop-tables-database-wmmInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WmmDbUrl JDBC URL to the database. WmmDbUser database user. WmmDbPassword database user password. WpsInstallLocation directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWmmDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: None
Description: Cleans the tables from the wpsdb database. Usage: Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
WPSconfig.sh drop-tables-database-wpsInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbUrl Database URL used to access the wpsdb database with JDBC. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WpsInstallLocation directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: None
Description: Drops WMM database used with WebSphere Portal. This task drops the database and any tables. Note that this task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for UNIX, Windows, and Linux. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh drop-wmm-dbInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WmmDbName Name of the Member Manager database. WmmDbSchema Name of the Member Manager database schema. WmmDbUrl Database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. WmmDbUser User ID for the Member Manager database administrator. WmmDbPassword Password for the Member Manager database administrator. Assumptions The WMM database must be created before performing this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWmmDbPassword=password Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WMM database does not exist or if communication with the database cannot be established. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures WebSphere Portal 5.1 and Member Manager databases for use with an LDAP directory and sets WAS security to use the LDAP directory. Use this task when configuring WebSphere Portal to use an LDAP directory or an LDAP directory + Lookaside database as the user registry. If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using the enable-security-ldap task.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh enable-security-ldapInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. Assumptions Before this task is performed, WAS must be running and the wpsdb and Member Manager databases must be created and initialized. For additional assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: This task will fail if WAS is not running or if a connection to the databases cannot be established. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: wps-ldap, wmm-cfg-ldap, secure-configservice, update-java-policy, action-cfg-was-security-ldap
Description: Configures WebSphere Portal 5.1 and Member Manager databases for use with a database directory and sets WAS security to use the database directory. If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using the enable-security-wmmur-db task.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh enable-security-wmmur-dbInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. Assumptions If you are running this task on a node that is already federated, verify you have manually copied Member Manager binaries to the Deployment manager system. Refer to the archive-was-ext task for more information. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures WebSphere Portal 5.1 and Member Manager databases for use with an LDAP directory and sets WAS security to use the LDAP directory. This also configures the LDAP to allow multiple virtual portals. If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using this task.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh enable-security-wmmur-ldapInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. Assumptions If you are running this task on a node that is already federated, verify you have manually copied Member Manager binaries to the Deployment manager system. Refer to the archive-was-ext task for more information. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: The main initialization task that prepares the configuration environment for other tasks, including preprocessing of some files. Usage: It is the prerequisite for other tasks and not commonly run by itself. Inputs: None Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: copy-pzn-jars, take-care-of-wmm-jar, pre-process-wmm, pre-config
, lcc-configure-discoveryserver
Description: Configures multiple properties related to Lotus Collaborative Components including: Domino Directory, Lotus Team Workplace, Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing, and IBM Tivoli Directory Server. Usage: Invoked to configure multiple Lotus Collaborative Components properties. For example:
WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-allInputs: None Assumptions Domino Directory, Lotus Team Workplace, Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing, and IBM Tivoli Directory Server. Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: lcc-configure-quickplace, lcc-configure-sametime, lcc-configure-dominodirectory
Description: Configures IBM Lotus Team Workplace for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. Usage: Invoked to configure IBM Lotus Team Workplace for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-quickplaceInputs: None Assumptions IBM Lotus Team Workplace Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. Usage: Invoked to configure IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-sametimeInputs: None Assumptions IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures IBM Tivoli Directory Server for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. Usage: Invoked to configure IBM Tivoli Directory Server for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-discoveryserverInputs: None Assumptions IBM Tivoli Directory Server Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures Lotus Domino Directory for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. Usage: Invoked to configure Lotus Domino Directory for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-dominodirectoryInputs: None Assumptions Lotus Domino Directory Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Updates WAS configuration files associated with WebSphere Portal to have appropriate path information. This task is run to change the context root for portal server. If you are using an external Web server, regenerate the HTTP plugin before running this task.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. The usage instructions for this task vary, depending on whether you are using an internal or external Web server with WebSphere Portal.
Internal Web server
WPSconfig.sh modify-servlet-path action-update-portlets
External Web server (such as IBM HTTP Server)
- Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file.
- Regenerate the HTTP plugin in WAS. If you are using a remote Web server, copy the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote server.
- Restart the Web server.
- Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file.
WPSconfig.sh action-update-portlets
- Regenerate the HTTP plugin in WAS. If you are using a remote Web server, copy the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote server.
- Restart the Web server.
Inputs: These tasks take the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsContextRoot context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal. The value of this property is part of the URL used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser: http://host:port/WpsContextRoot/WpsPersonalizedHome
For example,
http://hostname.setgetweb.com:9081/wps/portalWpsDefaultHome default portal page for users who are not logged in. The value of this property is part of the URL used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser. For example,
http://hostname.setgetweb.com:9081/wps/portalWpsPersonalizedHome Portal page for users who have already logged in to the portal. This page cannot be accessed by anonymous users. The value of this property is part of the URL used to access WebSphere Portal from a browser. For example,
http://hostname.setgetweb.com:9081/wps/myportalAssumptions The WebSphere Portal enterprise application must be deployed before these tasks are performed. For additional assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by these tasks. Error Conditions: These tasks will fail if the required configuration files are not found. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: update-wps-ear, set-servlet-paths, action-modify-cookie-path-ear-wps
Description: Modifies Lotus Workplace Web Content Management configuration when you change the IP address or hostname. Usage: Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example: ./WPSconfig.sh modify-wcm-hostInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation
directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. WasUserHome directory where WAS user data is created. CellName WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. NodeName node within the WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. port Port used to connect to WebSphere Portal. WpsContextRoot context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal. PortalAdminId User ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. WcmDbUrl JDBC URL to the Lotus Workplace Web Content Management database. WcmDbDriver Java class name for the JDBC provider that Lotus Workplace Web Content Management uses to communicate with its databases. Assumptions Run this task after you change the IP address or hostname of the Portal Server. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-update-wcm-app-config-properties, action-update-wcm-db-config-properties
Description: This task populates the FEEDBACK.CALENDAR and FEEDBACK.TIMEOFDAY tables. Usage: Invoked to populate these tables for customized reports and logging. Enter the following command appropriate for the environment:
- DB2:
WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod-db2
- DB2 on z/OS:
WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod-db2_zos
- Cloudscape:
WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod-cloudscape
- Oracle:
WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod-oracle
- SQL Server:
WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod-sqlserver
Inputs: None Assumptions Database must be installed locally. Feedback tables must already be created. Error Conditions: Database is not installed. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: action-populate-feedback-caltod
Description: Deploys the portlets included with WebSphere Portal (defined in the SetupPortal.xml file) using the XML configuration interface. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example: WPSconfig.sh portletsInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. host Fully-qualified host.name used to access WebSphere Portal. WpsContextRoot context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal. PortalAdminId User ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. Assumptions The WebSphere Portal enterprise application must be deployed before this task is performed. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-deploy-portlets
Description: Deploys only the administrative portlets included with WebSphere Portal using the XML configuration interface. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh portlets-adminInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation directory where WebSphere Portal is installed. host Fully-qualified host.name used to access WebSphere Portal. WpsContextRoot context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal. PortalAdminId User ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. Assumptions The WebSphere Portal enterprise application must be deployed before this task is performed. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-deploy-portlets-admin
Description: Ends delegation of all file conversion services to a remote machine Usage: Call this optional task if you want to discontinue the delegation of file conversion services to a remote machine. This will cause all future conversions to be performed on the local host. Inputs: None Assumptions None Password considerations: None Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Removes the WebSphere Portal enterprise application from WAS and performs any necessary WAS -related cleanup for the WebSphere Portal application. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh remove-was-cfgInputs: None Assumptions WAS must be running before this task is performed. Error Conditions: This task will fail if WAS is not running. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-remove-datasource-wps, action-remove-datasource-wmm, action-remove-jdbcprovider-wps, action-remove-ear-wps, action-remove-ear-wmm, action-remove-appserver-wps, action-remove-shared-library.
Description: Configures WebSphere Portal to use LDAP security without modifying possible existing WAS security configuration. Use this task if you use an LDAP directory or an LDAP + Lookaside database and you plan to manually configure WAS global security. Usage: Invoked to configure WebSphere Portal to use LDAP security without modifying possible existing WAS security configuration. This task should be used if WAS global security is enabled, and you want to configure WebSphere Portal for it. For example:
WPSconfig.sh secure-portal-ldapInputs: None Assumptions Values in the wpconfig.properties file must be identical to the WAS security configuration in the wpconfig.properties file. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: This task will fail if the values in the wpconfig.properties file are not identical to the WAS security configuration in the wpconfig.properties file. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-update-database-wps-ldap, action-config-portal-ldap, action-secure-configservice, action-update-java-policy
Description: Performs configuration of the WebSphere Portal Productivity Components. This task is typically invoked by the basic-config task. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh setup-productivity-componentsInputs: None Assumptions WebSphere Portal must be installed or deployed. Error Conditions: This task will fail if WebSphere Portal files are not found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Performs configuration of the Transcoding Technology function of WebSphere Portal. This task is typically invoked by the basic-config task. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh setup-transcodingInputs: None Assumptions The WebSphere Portal enterprise application must be installed and deployed before this task is performed. Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal product files are not found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Creates the WebSphere Portal enterprise application in WAS and performs any necessary WAS-related configuration for the WebSphere Portal application. This task is typically invoked by the basic-config task. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh setup-wasInputs: None Assumptions WAS must be running before this task is performed. Error Conditions: This task will fail if WAS is not running. Task dependencies: init Tasks invoked: action-create-appserver-wps, action-modify-as-attributes, action-deploy-ear-wps, action-modify-attributes-ear-wps, action-deploy-ear-wmm, action-create-jdbcprovider-wps, action-create-datasource-wps, action-create-datasource-wmm, action-set-shared-library, action-set-http-transport
Description: Starts the WAS administration server. Usage: Invoked to start the WAS administration server. For example:
WPSconfig.sh start-admin-serverInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WasAdminServer WAS. WasHome WAS install directory. WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Starts the WAS portal server. Usage: Invoked to start the WAS portal server. For example:
WPSconfig.sh start-portal-serverInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ServerName Name of the appserver where the WebSphere Portal enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other application server names in the same cell. WasHome WAS install directory. WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Stops the WAS administration server. Usage: Invoked to stop the WAS administration server. For example:
WPSconfig.sh stop-admin-serverInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WasAdminServer WAS. WasHome WAS install directory. WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Stops the WAS portal server. Usage: Invoked to stop the WAS portal server. For example:
WPSconfig.sh stop-portal-serverInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ServerName Name of the appserver where the WebSphere Portal enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other application server names in the same cell. WasHome WAS install directory. WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Configures the HTTP proxy used by Content Access Service. Usage: Invoked to configure an HTTP proxy for Content Access Service. For example:
WPSconfig.sh update-contentaccessservice-proxyInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ContentAccessServiceProxyHost Fully-qualified hostname of the proxy server that WebSphere Portal should use, if the security configuration includes a proxy server. ContentAccessServiceProxyPort Port number used to access the proxy server identified by the ContentAccessServiceProxyHost property. Assumptions For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Updates the server and port information used to communicate with WebSphere Translation Server. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
WPSconfig.sh update-wtp-translationInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the MachineTranslationTranscoder.prop file:
Input Description WTSserverPortList List of WebSphere Translation Server machines with which WebSphere Portal can communicate. This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wtp_cfg.xml file:
Input Description WTP_BASE_DIR Working directory for Transcoding Technology. For example, c:/WAS51/portalserver/IBMTransAssumptions Transcoding Technology and Translation Server are available. Error Conditions: This task will fail if the MachineTranslationTranscoder.prop file is not found. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the connection to the Feedback database. Usage: Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the Feedback database. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-feedbackInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description DbDriver classname of the JDBC driver. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. DbUrl JDBC URL to the database. Assumptions Database must exist and the database client must be available. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the connection to the WMM database. Usage: Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the WMM database. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-wmmInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description DbDriver classname of the JDBC driver. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. DbUrl JDBC URL to the database. Assumptions Database must exist and the database client must be available. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the connection to the WPS database. Usage: Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the WPS database. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-wpsInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description DbDriver classname of the JDBC driver. DbLibrary Fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. DbUser database user. DbPassword database user password. DbUrl JDBC URL to the database. Assumptions Database must exist and the database client must be available. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the availability of the JDBC driver class. Usage: Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the JDBC driver archive. For example: WPSconfig.sh validate-database-driverInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description DbType Type of database used with WebSphere Portal. DbDriver classname of the JDBC driver. DbLibrary directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. DbUser database user. This input is not validated using this task.
DbPassword database user password. This input is not validated using this task.
DbUrl JDBC URL to the database. This input is not validated using this task.
Assumptions Database client must be available. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DDbPassword=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the connection to WebSphere Portal using HTTP. Usage: Invoked to determine if WebSphere Portal is running. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description host Fully qualified URL to WebSphere Portal. port Port used to connect to WebSphere Portal. WpsContextRoot base URI in the WebSphere Portal URL ("wps" by default). WpsDefaultHome final element in the WebSphere Portal URL ("portal" by default). Assumptions WebSphere Portal must be installed and running, and the correct information must be in the properties files. Error Conditions: The task will fail if the WebSphere Portal appserver is not running, there is a port conflict with another application, or the URL cannot be resolved (DNS error, for example). Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Checks the connection to the LDAP server and checks other LDAP properties in config file. Usage: Should be run before attempting to configure or modify the LDAP configuration. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-ldapInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. PortalAdminId User ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminIdShort WebSphere Portal admin user. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminGroupId group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs. PortalAdminGroupIdShort short form of the group ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminGroupId property. LDAPHostName Fully qualified hostname of the LDAP server. LDAPPort server port of the LDAP directory. LDAPAdminUId user id to be used to authenticate with the directory. LDAPAdminPwd Password for the user LDAPServerId. LDAPBindID User ID for LDAP Bind authentication. LDAPBindPassword Password for LDAP Bind authentication. LDAPUserFilter filter used by WAS for finding users in the LDAP. LDAPGroupFilter filter used by WAS for finding groups in the LDAP. LDAPSuffix LDAP Suffix. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPUserSuffix DN suffix attribute name for user entries. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPGroupSuffix DN suffix attribute name for group entries. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPsslEnabled property that specifies whether Secure Sockets communications is enabled for the LDAP server. WmmSystemId Fully-qualifed distinguished name (DN) for the Member Manager system. WmmSystemIdPassword Password for Member Manager security authentication. Assumptions The directory must be available and access must be permitted. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DLDAPAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid or there are insufficient directory privileges. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: action-validate-ldap-connection, action-validate-ldap-suffix, action-validate-ldap-was-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-group, action-validate-ldap-bind-user, action-validate-wmm-system-id, action-validate-ldap-container-user, action-validate-ldap-container-group, action-validate-filter-user, action-validate-filter-group
Description: Checks the connection to the LDAP server and checks other LDAP properties in config file. Usage: Should be run before attempting to configure or modify the LDAP configuration. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-wmmur-ldapInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description WasUserid User ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword Password for WAS security authentication. PortalAdminId User ID of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminIdShort WebSphere Portal admin user. PortalAdminPwd Password of the WebSphere Portal administrator. PortalAdminGroupId group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs. PortalAdminGroupIdShort short form of the group ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminGroupId property. LDAPHostName Fully qualified hostname of the LDAP server. LDAPPort server port of the LDAP directory. LDAPAdminUId user id to be used to authenticate with the directory. LDAPAdminPwd Password for the user LDAPServerId. LDAPSuffix LDAP Suffix. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPUserSuffix DN suffix attribute name for user entries. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPGroupSuffix DN suffix attribute name for group entries. Choose a value appropriate for the LDAP server. LDAPsslEnabled property that specifies whether Secure Sockets communications is enabled for the LDAP server. WmmSystemId Fully-qualifed distinguished name (DN) for the Member Manager system. WmmSystemIdPassword Password for Member Manager security authentication. Assumptions The directory must be available and access must be permitted. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DLDAPAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid or there are insufficient directory privileges. Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: action-validate-ldap-connection, action-validate-ldap-suffix, action-validate-ldap-was-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-group, action-validate-ldap-bind-user, action-validate-wmm-system-id, action-validate-ldap-container-user, action-validate-ldap-container-group, action-validate-filter-user, action-validate-filter-group
Description: This is a good diagnostic tool for checking the following:
- Checks if the WebSphere Portal Administrator has administrator privileges.
- Checks that HTTP transport, as defined in the wpconfig.properties file, is working. The task uses HTTP to access WebSphere Portal, therefore if the task succeeds WebSphere Portal is running and the settings in the properties file match the running configuration.
- Checks if the appserver for WebSphere Portal is running.
- Checks authentication settings, if configured, when trying to access WebSphere Portal.
Usage: Invoked to determine if the WebSphere Portal Administrator has administrator privileges. For example:
WPSconfig.sh validate-wps-admin-loginInputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description host Fully-qualified URL to WebSphere Portal. port Port used to connect to WebSphere Portal. WpsContextRoot base URI in the WebSphere Portal URL ("wps" by default). PortalAdminIdShort WebSphere Portal admin user. PortalAdminPwd WebSphere Portal admin user password. Assumptions WebSphere Portal is installed and running and the correct information is in the properties files. Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password Error Conditions: The task will fail if:
- WebSphere_Portal appserver is not running.
- Web server is not properly configured or is not running.
- There is a port conflict with another application, such as another HTTP server or service running on the machine.
- The URL cannot be resolved (DNS error, for example).
- The user does not exist.
- The user does not have administration privileges.
- The password is incorrect.
- Authentication is not configured properly.
Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: None
Description: Initializes the WMM database used with WebSphere Portal. Usage: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
./WPSconfig.sh wmm-database - Windows: WPSconfig.bat wmm-database
Inputs: None Assumptions The WMM database must be created before performing this task. For additional assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task. Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WMM database does not exist or if communication with the database cannot be established. Task dependencies: init, action-init-wmm-db Tasks invoked: None
External security manager tasks
Description: Enables and configures WebSphere Portal to use SiteMinder as an external authorization engine Usage: Typically run when initially configuring WebSphere Portal to work with SiteMinder. Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have the externalized Portal rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
SMDomain SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized portal resources. SMScheme SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms. SMAgent agent created to allow communication between WebSphere Portal and SiteMinder. SMAgentPw Password for SiteMinder agent (SMAgent). SMAdminId administrative user ID that SiteMinder will use to access the SiteMinder policy server. SMAdminPw Password for SiteMinder administrative user (SMAdminId). SMUserDir SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for Portal users and groups. SMFailover Failover mode of SiteMinder Policy Server. Must be set to true if more than one policy server is listed in the SMServers property.
SMServers Comma-delimited list of servers for SiteMinder agent. Assumptions: WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled, SiteMinder SDK has been installed and added to the WAS and WebSphere Portal classpaths Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DSMAgentPw=password -DSMAdminPw=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: is-security-enabled, validate-smsdk-available Tasks invoked: action-create-sm-jaas,action-esm-sm-update-callbackheaderslist, action-esm-sm-update-services, action-esm-sm-update-externalaccesscontrolservice,action-esm-update-static-files
Description: Enables every WebSphere Portal integration point with SiteMinder, including single signon (using a WAS TAI) and portal authorization Usage: Used to enable TAI and authorization to SiteMinder Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have the externalized Portal rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
SMConfigFile Location of the SiteMinder TAI WebAgent.conf file. SMDomain SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized portal resources. SMScheme SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms. SMAgent agent name that is created on SiteMinder for a specific portal external security manager instance. SMAgentPw Password for SiteMinder agent (SMAgent). SMAdminId administrative user ID that SiteMinder will use to access the SiteMinder policy server. SMAdminPw Password for SiteMinder administrative user (SMAdminId). SMUserDir SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for Portal users and groups. SMFailover Failover mode of SiteMinder Policy Server. Must be set to true if more than one policy server is listed in the SMServers property.
SMServers Comma-delimited list of servers for SiteMinder agent. Assumptions WAS and WebSphere Portal security have been enabled, SiteMinder TAI and SDK installed and available to WebSphere Portal Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DSMAgentPw=password -DSMAdminPw=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: is-security-enabled Tasks invoked: enable-sm-tai,enable-sm-authorization
Description: Enables and configures WAS with the SiteMinder TAI Usage: Use to enable only single signon with SiteMinder Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description SMConfigFile Location of the SiteMinder TAI WebAgent.conf file. Assumptions WAS and WebSphere Portal security enabled, SiteMinder TAI installed to WAS directory structure Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: validate-smtai-available Tasks invoked: action-create-sm-tai
Description: Enables every WebSphere Portal integration point with Tivoli Access Manager, including single signon (through the WAS TAI), WebSphere Portal authorization, and the credential vault Usage: Use to enable the TAI, authorization, and credential vault to Tivoli Access Manager Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have the externalized Portal rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. JunctionType Type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. JunctionPoint WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal instance. EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to distinguish externalized portal role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. WebSealInstance Specifies the WebSEAL instance used to create the junction. TAICreds headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. WebSealUser (for tcp junctions) reverse proxy identity used when you create a TCP junction. WebSealHost Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's hostnames parameter. BaUserName (for ssl junctions) reverse proxy identity used when you create an SSL junction. WebSealPort Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's ports parameter. BaPassword (for ssl junctions) When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing the reverse proxy on every request. PDRoot Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. PDAction Custom Action created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDActionGroup Custom Action group created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDCreateAcl Set to determine whether the portal can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL when Portal externalizes a role. vaultType New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. vaultProperties Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection information. manageResources Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new resource objects in TAM. readOnly Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the secrets stored in TAM. host (set to fully qualified hostname) Fully-qualified host.name of the Web server that WAS is configured to use. port Port number used to access the host machine identified by the host property. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. Assumptions Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DBaPassword=password -DPDAdminPw=password Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect Task dependencies: is-security-enabled Tasks invoked: enable-tam-tai,enable-tam-authorization,action-esm-tam-update-vaultservice
Description: enables and configures single signon using the WebSEAL TAI. This task also creates a TCP or SSL junction via Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE calls for WebSphere Portal access Usage: Use to enable external authentication to Tivoli Access Manager Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. JunctionPoint WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal instance. JunctionType Type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. WebSealInstance Specifies the WebSEAL instance used to create the junction. TAICreds Headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. WebSealHost Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's hostnames parameter. WebSealPort Optional parameter that sets the WebSEAL TAI's ports parameter. host (set to fully qualified hostname) Fully-qualified host.name of the Web server that WAS is configured to use. port Port number used to access the host machine identified by the host property. WebSealUser (for tcp junctions) Reverse proxy identity used when you create a TCP junction. BaUserName (for ssl junctions) Reverse proxy identity used when you create an SSL junction. BaPassword (for ssl junctions) When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing the reverse proxy on every request. Assumptions Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DPdAdminPw=password -DBaPassword=password Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection Tasks invoked: action-create-webseal-junction,action-create-webseal-tai
Description: Enables and configures WebSphere Portal to use Tivoli Access Manager as an external authorization engine Usage: Use to maintain WebSphere Portal access control information in Tivoli Access Manager Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have the externalized Portal rolenames displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized portal role names from other roll names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. PDRoot Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. PDAction Custom Action created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDActionGroup Custom Action group created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plugin. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized Portal roles. PDCreateAcl Set to determine whether the portal can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL when Portal externalizes a role. Assumptions Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled Error Conditions: incorrect Tivoli Access Manager username and password Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection Tasks invoked: action-create-tam-jaas,action-esm-tam-update-callbackheaderslist, action-esm-tam-update-services, action-esm-tam-update-externalaccesscontrolservice, action-esm-update-static-files
Description: Enables user provisioning to Tivoli Access Manager. Usage: Used when a new portal LDAP user is created to immediately import and set the new portal LDAP user as a valid user in Tivoli Access Manager Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. Assumptions Portal/TAM integration for authentication is configured Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password Error Conditions: None Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection Tasks invoked: xmlaccess
Description: runs the Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command to configure the SSL link between WAS, WebSphere Portal, and Tivoli Access Manager Usage: to run the SvrSslCfg command Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDServerName Unique application name used to create a new Tivoli server in the Access Manager Policy Server. If a server with the same name appears in the server list command, the SvrSslCfg command will fail.
PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. SvrSslCfgPort Configuration port for the application name. SvrSslCfgMode Configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command. PDPolicyServerList Defines a hostname, port, and priority combinations for the TAM Policy servers used when running SvrSslCfg. PDAuthzServerList Defines a hostname, port, and priority combination for the TAM authorization servers. PDKeyPath Stores encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli Access Manager.
Assumptions AMJRTE has been installed and available to WAS Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager Policy or Authorization server not found, incorrect username or password for Tivoli Access Manager admin user Task dependencies: validate-pdjrte-available Tasks invoked: forks to call the com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg command
Description: configures WebSphere Portal to use the AccessManager41VaultAdapter, writing Tivoli Access Manager rsrc and rsrccred objects to the GSO lockbox Usage: Use to maintain credentials in Tivoli Access Manager Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. vaultType New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. vaultProperties Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection information. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. manageResources Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new resource objects in TAM. readOnly Determines if the portal credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the secrets stored in TAM. PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. Assumptions Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect Task dependencies: is-security-enabled, validate-pdadmin-connection Tasks invoked: action-esm-tam-update-vaultservice
Description: Verifies that the TAM AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has run and that WebSphere Portal has the necessary configuration parameters to communicate with Tivoli Access Manager. If the SvrSslCfg command has not run, see the run-svrssl-config task. Usage: Use to verify prerequisite component Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpsconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId User ID for the administrative TAM user. PDAdminPw Password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath Location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. Assumptions Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal security has been enabled Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect Task dependencies: None Tasks invoked: checkpdadmin task
See also
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