Change company information


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The text that is displayed in the banner of the portal page is defined in the file, which is bundled inside the shared library file


The file generally has a suffix related to a locale, for example, to render pages for english speakers, the file used would be...


One of the most common reasons to edit is change the <title> of the portal...

Use the following steps to change the banner/title text for each language that is supported by your portal site.

  1. Extract the file to the WPSLib/app/nls directory.

    jar xvf wp.ui.jar

  2. Edit and change the title parameter to the name that you want to be displayed in the portal banner.

  3. Save and close .

  4. Restart the appserver for WebSphere Portal.

The License Agreement and Privacy Policy files contain information that should be changed to include the relevant content that is specific to your company. These files are license.html and privacy.html, and are located in the...

was_root/installedApps/hostname/wps.ear/wps.war/html These files are accessed from the enrollment and login JSPs using the <wps:urlFind/> tag.


Change the Home Page Logo

To change the branding image displayed on the default home page...

...for example, to insert a company logo, replace...

...with your logo.gif file.



See also


WebSphere is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.


IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.