Configure WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Discovery Server

The following topic provides instructions for configuring WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Discovery Server.


Before you begin

Read the following information before you begin.

  • The following instructions include a configuration task that you run at a command line. Specifically, this task will configure WebSphere Portal to recognize the presence of Lotus Discovery Server so that it can be used by the Collaborative Services. run this task if you intend to use Lotus Discovery Server and the Collaborative Services provided with WebSphere Portal.
  • Commands are case sensitive.
  • have installed WebSphere Portal and Lotus Discovery Server for this task to complete successfully.
  • During the instructions for this task, you will edit the file. Create a backup copy of this file before performing the following instructions. For detailed information on working with property files, see Configuration properties reference.
  • The following instructions contain a link to the topic, Configuring Collaborative Services to use Domino Directory. If you intend to use Domino Directory with Lotus Collaborative Services, complete the steps in that topic in addition to completing the following steps.


  • The stopServer command might require a user ID and password: This section provides a command for stopping servers. If you are running with security enabled on WebSphere Application Server, specify a user ID and password for security authentication when entering the stopServer command to stop a server. For example:
    stopServer WebSphere_Portal -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
  • Password considerations: For security reasons, not store passwords in the file. It is recommended that you edit the prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, delete all passwords from the file.

    Alternatively, you can specify the password on the command line using the following syntax:

      WPSconfig.{sh|bat} task_name -Dpassword_property_key=password_value

    As with other properties, each password property must have the -D prefix and be set equal to (=) a value. If you have multiple properties in a single command, use a space character between each -Dproperty=value setting.


Run the configuration task to configure WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Discovery Server

To perform the configuration task, do the following:

  1. Go to the WebSphere Portal machine.
  2. At a command line, change to the directory $WAS_HOME/bin
  3. Type the following at the command line to stop WebSphere Portal.
    stopServer WebSphere_Portal
  4. If you intend to use Domino Directory with Lotus Discovery Server, follow the steps for Configure Collaborative Services to use Domino Directory.
  5. Locate the <wp_root>/config/ file and create a back up copy before changing any values.
  6. Use a text editor to open the <wp_root>/config/ file and enter the values appropriate for your environment.

    Note the following:

    • Do not change any settings other than those specified in these steps. For instructions on working with these files, see Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.
    • Use / instead of \ for all platforms.
    • Some values, shown in italics below, may need to be modified to your specific environment.

    Section of properties file Property Value
    Collaborative Services Properties LCC.DiscoveryServer.Enabled

    Description: The property that determines whether Lotus Discovery Server is enabled. Note: Setting LCC.DiscoveryServer.Enabled to true enables this component. Setting the value to false disables it.

    Recommended Value: true

    Default Value: false


    Description: The name of the Lotus Discovery Server.

    Recommended Value:

    Default Value:


    Description: The protocol used to connect to the Lotus Discovery Server.

    Recommended Value: http

    Default Value: http


    Description: The port number for the Lotus Discovery Server.

    Recommended Value: 80

    Default Value: 80

  7. Save the file.
  8. At a command line, change to the directory <wp_root>/config
  9. Type the following command to run the appropriate configuration task for your specific operating system:

    • UNIX: ./ lcc-configure-discoveryserver
    • Windows: WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-discoveryserver

  10. Check the output for any error messages. If you encounter an error, check the appropriate logs file for more information. You can locate information about logs in the Using logs topic.

    Note: The preceding task lcc-configure-discoveryserver is specific for configuring Collaborative Services to use Lotus Discovery Server only. It is possible to change and save other Collaborative Services values in, and then run the configuration task ./ lcc-configure-all (UNIX) or WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-all (Windows) to configure multiple components.

  11. At a command line, change to the directory $WAS_HOME/bin.
  12. Type the following at the command line to start WebSphere Portal.
    startServer WebSphere_Portal


Next steps

You have completed this step. Continue to the next step by choosing one of the following topics.


See also

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