People Finder interaction with other portlets

Other portlets can use the People Finder by applying either one of the following techniques provided by WebSphere Portal:


People Finder methods for Collaborative Portlets

The following Collaborative Portlet methods enable the People Finder to be used in another type of portlet as long as an instance of the second portlet type is deployed to the same page with the People Finder:

  • ShowPersonRecordByMemberID

    Parameter Name: memberID

    Parameter Description: Unique Identifier for a member object in WebSphere Member Manager, whose Person Record should be displayed.

    Parameter Type: memberUniqueId

    Parameter Java Type: java.lang.String

    Parameter Direction: IN

  • ShowOrgViewByMemberID

    Parameter Name: memberID

    Parameter Description: Unique Identifier for a member object in WebSphere Member Manager, whose Organization View should be displayed.

    Parameter Type: memberUniqueId

    Parameter Java Type: java.lang.String

    Parameter Direction: IN

  • FindPersonByName

    Parameter Name: personName

    Parameter Description: Value to search with the byName query of the WebSphere Member Manager member object.

    Parameter Type: PersonNameType

    Parameter Java Type: java.lang.String

    Parameter Direction: IN

  • FindPersonByEmailAddress

    Parameter Name: emailAddr

    Parameter Description: Value to search for in ibm-primaryEmail attribute of the WebSphere Member Manager member object.

    Parameter Type: EmailAddrType

    Parameter Java Type: java.lang.String

    Parameter Direction: IN

For more information about using these People Finder methods, see Parameter definitions and values in People Finder V5.1, specifically the parameter definition for c2a_action_descriptor.


Parameter Name: memberID

To support Collaborative Portlet methods, the attribute memberUniqueID must be defined for the parameter memberID. However, any of the following values can be used:

  • memberDN
  • LDAP DN (if WebSphere Member Manager is based on LDAP)
  • any valid entry for unique byName search value
  • ibm-personAwarenessIdentity


URL addressability

The Person tag uses URL addressability to communicate with the People Finder if People Finder is not on the current page of the portal. Other Collaboration Center portlets can use URL addressability to programmatically integrate People Finder features. For example, other portlets can display links for Show Person Record and Show in Organization View actions and thereby access People Finder functionality in their application contexts. Clicking Show Person Record (or Show in Organization View) displays the Person Record (or the Organization View) inside the People Finder, which is launched as a pop-up window.

The following table lists the required URL parameters and possible values for implementing URL actions in portlets:

URL Parameter Possible Values
WebSphere Member Manager memberUniqueIdentifier of the person whose Person Record or Organization View is to be displayed.
Alternatively, the following WebSphere Member Manager attributes:

  • memberDN
  • any valid input for byName query a valid entry of ibm-PersonAwarenessIdentifier attribute.


See also

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