Configure WebSphere Portal for SQL Server


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Before you begin

Before configuring databases, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • WebSphere Portal is installed with Cloudscape databases.

  • Supported database software is installed.

  • Databases and users are correctly setup for use by WebSphere Portal.

  • If you use a remote database server, the WebSphere Portal and Member Manager databases must exist on the server.

Note that instead of following the steps below, you can use the configuration wizard to transfer data to another supported database.

A configuration template might exist to support these instructions. Refer to the wp_root/config/helpers directory for available configuration templates. Use the configuration template to update the file, according to the property descriptions and recommended values provided here. If you do not want to use a configuration template, follow the instructions as written.


Steps for transferring data to another supported database

Follow these steps to transfer WebSphere Portal and Member Manager databases to SQL Server.

  1. Create a backup copy of wp_root/config/

  2. Edit wp_root/config/, and enter the values that are appropriate for your environment.

    To use the WebSphere Portal database to hold information for applications such as Document Manager, Personalization, Feedback and Likeminds, use the same configuration values for similar properties. For example, use the value for WpsDbName for JcrDbName, FeedbackDbName, and LikemindsDbName.

    Database Properties

    Property Value

    This only applies to database-specific tasks. If set to true, database-specific tasks, such as create/modify/drop database, will be performed. The property should be used if a pre-configured database (from a previous installation) already exists. If the property is set to false, the database will be updated and the pre-existing database configuration will be overwritten.

    Recommended value: false

    Default value: false


    The type of database used to store information for WebSphere Portal.

    Recommended value: sqlserver

    Windows/UNIX Default value: cloudscape


    Database name where you want the WebSphere Portal objects created.

    This value is also the database element in the DbUrl property.

    Recommended value: wpsdb

    If you change the name of the WebSphere Portal data source due to a database migration, manually update this property in the wp_root/config/ file to maintain the proper the resource reference mapping.

    Windows/UNIX Default value: wpsdb


    The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.

    Recommended value:

    Windows/UNIX Default value: (Cloudscape)


    The data source for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.

    Recommended value:

    Windows/UNIX Default value: (Cloudscape)


    The name of the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.

    Recommended value: wpsdbJDBC

    Default value: wpsdbJDBC


    The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal database with JDBC, where hostname is the name of the remote server and port is the port where the appropriate database instance is listening. The value must conform to standard JDBC URL syntax.

    The database element of this value should match the value of WpsDbName.

    Recommended value: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://YourDatabaseServer:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb

    Windows/UNIX Default value: jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true (Cloudscape)


    The user ID for the database administrator.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: db2admin


    The password for the database administrator.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.

    Recommended value: SQLServerJDBC/lib/mssqlserver.jar; SQLServerJDBC/lib/msbase.jar;SQLServerJDBC/lib/msutil.jar


    • In UNIX environments, use a colon (:) instead of a semi-colon (;) to separate multiple paths.

    • If you are pointing to a remote server, be sure to reference the correct path.

    Default value: d:/WAS51/portalserver/shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar


    The name of the data source that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.


    If the WebSphere Portal data source name is changed due to database migration, which is reflected in wp_root/config/, update the resource mappings by executing the following steps:

    1. Login to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.

    2. Select Application>Enterprise Applications.

    3. Select the WebSphere Portal application.

    4. Select the Map resource references to resources option.

    5. Change the JNDI Name for reference binding jdbc/wpsDS to specify the new data source name.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Save the configuration changes.

    Recommended value: wpsdbDS

    Default value: wpsdbDS


    The TCP/IP alias for the database to be used as data source name.

    Required for non-Windows systems only.

    Recommended value: wps5TCP

    Default value: wps5TCP


    This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal database

    Recommended value: wpsNode

    Default value: wpsNode


    DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition properties
    Property Value

    The name of the WebSphere Portal database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables.

    This value should also appear as the database element in JcrDbUrl

    Recommended value:

    • If using single database: wpsdb

    • If using multiple databases: jcrdb

    Default value: jcrdb


    The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition's tables and database resources.

    Recommended value: icmadmin

    Default value: icmadmin


    The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator password.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The SQL Server System Administrator password. This password may not be the same as the password for the user that created the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables on this database.

    Required for SQL Server only.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC.

    The database element of this value should match the value of JcrDbName.

    Recommended value: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://YourDatabaseServer:1433;DatabaseName=jcrdb

    Default value: jdbc:db2j:jcrdb;create=true (Cloudscape)


    The name of JDBC provider to be used for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition. You can have the same provider even if you have multiple datasources.

    Recommended value: jcr51JDBC

    Default value: jcr51JDBC


    The name of datasource to be used for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition.

    If the WebSphere Portal data source name is changed due to database migration, which is reflected in wp_root/config/, update the resource mappings by executing the following steps:

    1. Login to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.

    2. Select Application>Enterprise Applications.

    3. Select the WebSphere Portal application.

    4. Select the Map resource references to resources option.

    5. Change the JNDI Name for reference binding jdbc/wpsDS to specify the new data source name.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Save the configuration changes.

    Recommended value: JCRDS

    Default value: JCRDS


    Directory for the dynamic DDL files generated by DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition. If you are using a clustered environment, this directory should be accessible to all portals in your cluster.

    Recommended value: wp_root\jcr\config\dynamic

    (where wp_root is the installation directory of WebSphere Portal)

    Default value: ${WpsInstallLocation}/jcr/config/dynamic

    (where ${WpsInstallLocation} is the installation directory of WebSphere Portal)


    Temporary location for binary values

    Recommended value: ${WpsInstallLocation}/jcr/binaryValues

    Default value: ${WpsInstallLocation}/jcr/binaryValues


    Debug level for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database utilities. This property can be set to one of the following values:

      0 - INFO, prints status information

      1 - TRACE, provide method entry-exit information + INFO.

      2 - DEBUG, display command information and SQL statement output information.

      3 - DEBUG+, display processing information of DDL file as well as command that are been executed.

    Recommended value: 2

    Default value: 2


    This property indicates whether or not the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database is unicode.

    Recommended value: Y

    Default value: Y


    The name of appserver with a configured Business Process Container.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: server1


    The the user id for the Java Message Service (JMS) that the workflow engine will use to communicate with the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourJMSUserId


    The password for JcrJMSJAASUser.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourJMSPwd


    Type of Java Message Service (JMS) provider used.

    Recommended value: embedded

    Default value: embedded


    The name of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager.

    This value is not needed for WebSphere Embedded Messaging.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: <none>


    Personalization and Feedback Database properties
    Property Value

    Specifies whether the Feedback schema and tables will be created on transfer.


    • false: To share a Feedback database across multiple instances of WebSphere Portal or to use a Feedback database that was initialized with a previous installation of WebSphere Portal, set this property to false and configure the remaining Feedback properties according to the pre-existing database. The data contained in your existing Feedback schema will then be preserved.

    • true: If set to true, then any existing Feedback database will be dropped and a new database will be created from scratch.

    Recommended value: true

    Default value: true


    The fully-qualified of the database server that is hosting the Feedback database.

    Note: Required for:

    • SQL Server

    Recommended value: YourDatabaseServer

    Default value: myserver


    The name of the Feedback database.

    Note: This value is also the database element in the FeedbackDbUrl property.

    Recommended value:

    • If using single database: wpsdb

    • If using multiple databases: fdbkdb

    Windows/UNIX Default value: wpsdb


    The database password for feedback database.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The database URL used to access the feedback database with JDBC, where YourDatabaseServer is the name of the remote server and the port number matches the port number where the appropriate database instance is listening. The value must conform to the standard JDBC URL syntax.

    The database element of this value should match the value of FeedbackDbName.

    Recommended value: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://YourDatabaseServer:1433;DatabaseName=fdbkdb

    Windows/UNIX Default value: jdbc:db2j:fdbkdb;create=true (Cloudscape)


    LikeMinds Database properties
    Property Value

    The fully-qualified of the database server that is hosting the Likeminds database.

    Required for:

    • SQL Server

    Recommended value: YourDatabaseServer

    Default value: myserver


    The name of the LikeMinds database.

    This value is also the database element in the LikemindsDbUrl property.

    Recommended value:

    • If using single database: wpsdb

    • If using multiple databases: lmdb

    Default value: wpsdb


    The database password for LikeMinds database.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The database URL used to access the LikeMinds database with JDBC, where YourDatabaseServer is the name of the remote server and the port number matches the port number where the appropriate database instance is listening. The value must conform to the standard JDBC URL syntax.

    The database element of this value should match the value of LikemindsDbName.

    Recommended value: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://YourDatabaseServer:1433;DatabaseName=lmdb

    Windows/UNIX Default value: jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true (Cloudscape)


    Member Manager properties
    Property Value

    The name of the data source that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with the Member Manager database.

    Recommended value: wmmDS

    Default value: wmmDS


    The name of the Member Manager enterprise application, as deployed into WebSphere Application Server.

    Recommended value: wmmApp

    Default value: wmmApp


    The name of the Member Manager database. This value is also the database element in the WmmDbUrl property.

    If WebSphere Portal V5.1 and a previous version of WebSphere Portal coexist on the same box, this value must be different than the WebSphere Member Services database name in the previous version of WebSphere Portal.

    Recommended value: wpsdb

    Windows/UNIX Default value: wpsdb


    The user ID for the database administrator.

    If you are migrating from a previous version of WebSphere Portal, this value must match the database user name for the WebSphere Member Services database from the previous WebSphere Portal version.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Windows/UNIX Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminId


    The password for the database administrator.

    Recommended value: <none>

    Default value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    The database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. The value must conform to standard JDBC URL syntax.

    The database element of this value should match the value of WmmDbName. On z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the DB2 datasource used by WebSphere Portal.

    Recommended value: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://YourDatabaseServer:1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb

    Example: jdbc:db2:wmmdb. The following values can be specified, where hostname indicates the server where the database is running:

    Windows/UNIX Default value:jdbc:db2j:wpsdb;create=true (Cloudscape)


    The Enterprise Java Bean (like a classname) that other applications need to know it in order to communicate with it.

    Recommended value: ejb/MemberServiceHome

    Default value: ejb/MemberServiceHome


  3. Save the file.

  4. cd wp_root/config.

  5. Validate configuration properties.

    ./ validate-database-connection-wps -DDbPassword=password
    ./ validate-database-connection-jcr -DJcrDbPassword=password
    ./ validate-database-connection-feedback -DFeedbackDbPassword=password
    ./ validate-database-connection-likeminds -DLikemindsDbPassword=password
    ./ validate-database-connection-wmm -DWmmDbPassword=password
    ./ validate-database-driver

  6. To transfer the database, perform this step:

    1. Enter the following command to run the configuration task.

      ./ database-transfer  
                     -DDbPassword=password \
                     -DJcrDbPassword=password \
                     -DJcrJMSJAASPassword=password \
                     -DJcrSaDbPassword=password \
                     -DFeedbackDbPassword=password \
                     -DLikemindsDbPassword=password \
                     -DWmmDbPassword=password \

    2. After running this task, a message indicating success should result. Check the log files to verify that this task was successful.

      If the configuration fails, verify the values in the file, and then repeat this step. If the task continues to fail, refer to Unable to transfer database to SQL Server in the Troubleshooting databases page.

  7. Change to the directory was_root/bin.

  8. Start the WebSphere_Portal appserver: startServer WebSphere_Portal


Next steps


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