Adding new users
add users to the portal so that they can access portal resources, such as portlets.
The objective of this task
The objective of this task is to step you through the process of adding users to the portal.
What complete this task
have at least the Editor@USERS role to create users and user groups.
Portlets used in this task
Manage User Groups
Steps for this task
- Log in as the portal administrator.
- Click Portal Administration.
- Click Portal Access.
- Click Users and Groups.
- Select the user group to which the user will be added.
- Click New user or New group.
- If you are creating a new user group, enter a name for the user group.
- If you are creating a new user, do the following:
- Enter a User ID for the new user. The User ID must be 5-60 characters in length. It can contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen "-", period ".", and underscore "_" characters. No other characters are permitted in this field.
- Enter and confirm a password for the new user. The password must be unique.
- Enter a first name for the new user.
- Enter a last name for the new user.
- Enter an email address for the new user. This field is not required for successful creation of a new user.
- Select Preferred language from the dropdown list. This field is not required for successful creation of a new user. If you do not select a preferred language or if the language is not supported by the portal, the default language is the default WebSphere Portal language.
- Click OK.
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