The file

This file contains parameters that can be edited to change the behavior of the AptrixSearch Module.

  • $ILWWCM_HOME/ilwwcm/search

    Directory where aptrixsearch stores its "hit" indexes. Replace [ILWWCM_HOME] with the location of your Web Content Management directory.

  • template.results= http://host:port/wps/wcm/html/results.html

    URL to the Results template page. (Example path only.)

  • template.noresults= http://host:port/wps/wcm/html/noresults.html

    URL to the NoResults template page. (Example path only.) This is optional.

  • refresh.interval=120

    Hit-index refresh interval in minutes. Note that if you set your refresh interval to a short period of time, the indexing process may refresh before the entire Site has been indexed.

  • refresh.time=18:00:00;04:00:00

    Enter times here if would like to refresh the hit-index at specific times. These times must match the format of your server's locale. This setting is optional.


    The full class name of the page server to use. This is already configured for a Web Content Management environment and would normally not be changed.

  • ajpepageserver.url.path= http://host:port/wps/wcm/connect

    The URL path to the Web Content Management servlet for the Web Content Management application.

  • ajpepageserver.pathinfos.ignore=/Aptrix

    A set of paths that should be ignored by AptrixSearch can be entered here (comma separated). Any paths that begin with the paths entered here will not be indexed. Optional.

  • ajpepageserver.url.suffix=pagedesign=searchpagedesign

    This sets a suffix to apply to the URL when retrieving. (The suffix is not included in results.) Optional.


    A Web Content Management User to use when Indexing a Web Content Management environment is entered here. This parameter is optional. If commented out, then pages will be indexed as the Anonymous User.


    The full class name of the results filter to be used. There are two types of results filters. The AjpeSecurityFilter is set as default and is used to hide pages that the User making the query does not have Live access to.

    The AjpeTemplateFilter is commented out by default, but can be used instead of the AjpeSecurityFilter. The AjpeTemplateFilter can be used to filter pages from a search based on values entered in the AjpeTemplate tag used within Presentation Templates. Only one filter type can be used at a time.

  • ajpetemplatefilter.cgi.template=filtertemplate

    The cgi name that will contain the template to perform filtering on.Note: This field does NOT allow multivalue querystrings.

  • ajpetemplatefilter.cgi.filterout=filterout

    The cgi name that will contain the filter out flag.

Parent topic: Web Content Management Configuration Files.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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