Syndicator Fields
This section is used to enter details of the server Subscribing to the Syndicator, and display Subscription and Syndication information.
The Syndication item should be saved prior to creating and saving the Subscriber item.
Syndicator ID and Syndicator URL Displays the Syndicator's ID and URL. These can be copied and pasted into the relevant fields in the Subscriber item. Subscriber Name This is used to enter a name to describe the Subscriber. (Usually the name of the Subscriber Server.) Subscriber ID The easiest way to complete this field is to open a second browser and logon to the Subscriber Server Copy the Subscriber ID from the Subscriber form and paste it here. Subscriber URL The easiest way to complete this field is to open a second browser and logon onto the Subscriber Server Copy the Subscriber URL from the Subscriber form and paste it here. Item Gatherer The Item Gatherer mode is displayed here:
- All Items:
- Gathers a collection of all deployable items
- All Live Items:
- Gathers a collection of all deployable items that either do not have a workflow or do have a workflow and are published.
Current State The Current State's reference is displayed here. If Syndication is working, both the Syndicator and Subscriber should have the same Current State. The apparent difference between a Syndicator's and Subscriber's Current State does not indicate a degree of success or failure. They are either different (not synchronized) or the same (synchronized).
Item Formatter This indicates the format of the data being sent. At present this is Java Serialization. Both the Syndicator and Subscriber must use compatible formatters and transformers. Enabled This indicates whether Syndication is currently enabled or not. Current Status This displays the current state of the Syndication process:
- Idle:
- No Syndication is occurring.
- Pending:
- A Request has been made to the Syndicator, but it has yet to initiate a request to the Syndication application.
- Queued:
- The Syndicator has sent a request to the Syndication application, but Syndication is not yet active.
- Active:
- Syndication is occurring between the Syndicator and Subscriber.
- Disabled:
- This indicates that Syndication is currently disabled. If Syndication was already in process prior to being disabled the Status can be a combination of Disabled and Pending, Queued, or Active.
If an update is initiated from a Subscriber, the Status on the Subscriber section will not display as "Queued". The Status remains as "Idle" until Syndication commences and the Status changes to Active.
Type This displays the current Update Type:
- Part:
- Only items requiring updates are Syndicated.
- Full:
- All items are Syndicated.
Started, Finished and Last Checked The time that Syndication was started, last checked and finished is displayed here. Last checked displays the time that the Syndicator last checked that the Subscriber was still processing the update.
Result The result of Syndication (either Success or Fail) is displayed here. If Syndication has failed, a description of why it failed is displayed. Further information is displayed in the Detail field (below). If successful, there may also be item errors. See Item Errors (below). Detail Displays a detailed description of the Syndication result. Updates sent This indicates the number of items that have been updated. This can either mean a new item has been added, or an existing item has been updated. Removes sent This indicates the number of items removed (if any). Subscriber's old state and Subscriber's new state Displays the Subscribers old and new State. If successful, this indicates the actual change of Status. If Syndication has failed, this indicates what should have been the change of Status. Errors Information on Syndication Errors related to individual items is listed here. If the Syndication has failed for some reason, a description of the cause of the failure is listed in the error log. Information on Syndication Errors related to individual items is listed here. The number of past Errors or past Item errors displayed can be changed by editing
Parent topic: Syndicator Form.
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