Portal Search Integration
Portal Search can be used to index and search Web Content Management content delivered via the Rendering Portlet. To use Portal Search with a Web Content Management site :
- Create a Navigator Component to be used as the search index.
- Create a HTML Component to generate metadata for Web Content Management pages.
- Add the HTML Component to Presentation Templates.
- Configure Portal Search to index a Web Content Management site.
Step 1: Create a Search Index Navigator
Portal Search uses web crawling to create a search index for a Site. A Navigator component that lists all content in a Site can be used as the search index for Portal Search. This Navigator is stored in the Component Library but is never rendered on a Web Page.
Create a Navigator called "SearchNavigator" in the Component Library with the following settings.
Start Type Top. Include Start False. Ancestor Level None. Descendant Level All. Preceding siblings Level None. Next siblings Level None. Show Site False. Show Content True. Expand Current True. Highlight navigator content using component designs False. Header Not required. Footer Not required. Separator <br> Component Design 1 <a href=<Placeholder tag="href"/>><Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
Step 2: Create a HTML Component to Generate Metadata
Portal Search allows users to refine their searches by specifying standard metadata fields in their search. Portal Search supports the following metadata fields:
Title The title of the content item. Description A description of the content item. Author The authors of the content item. Keywords Keywords associated with the content item. Subject Taxonomy and category information associated with the content item. A HTML Component must be created to automatically generate this information for each Web Page in your site. This is added to each Presentation Template in your Site.
Example: Create a HTML Component in the Component Library called "SearchMetadata" with the following text:
<META NAME="title" CONTENT="<IDCmpnt context="current" field="name" type="content"/>"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="<IDCmpnt context="current" field="description" type="content"/>"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="<IDCmpnt context="current" field="authors" separator="," type="content"/>"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="<ProfileCmpnt context="current" field="keywords" separator="," type="content"/>"> <META NAME="subject" CONTENT="<ProfileCmpnt context="current" field="categories" include="all" separator="," type="content"/>">When a Content item is displayed, Web Content Management will resolve the IDCmpnt and ProfileCmpnt tags to display the appropriate information for that content item.
Tip: If Portal Search crawls the site as an anonymous user, set "Live" access on the "SearchMetadata" HTML Component to [all users]
Step 3: Updating Presentation Templates
A Component Reference to the HTML Component you created must be entered into the <HEAD> section of Presentation Templates that require search metadata to be generated. Example:
<AptrixLibCmpnt name="SearchMetadata"/>When a Content item is displayed using this Presentation Template, the "SearchMetadata" HTML component will be pulled into the page and resolved.
Step 4: Create a Portal Search Collection
You will need to create a Portal Search Collection in WebSphere Portal. See the WebSphere Portal Information Center for further information on how to create Portal Search Collections. You need to specify the following:
- The URL used by Portal Search to crawl in a Portal Search Document Collection:
http://[HOST]:[PORT]/wps/wcm/connect/[SITE] ?srv=cmpnt&source=library&cmpntname=SearchNavigator &username=CRAWLER_USERNAME&pwd=CRAWLER_PASSWORDThe user specified in the crawler username parameter must have "live" access to Web Content Management content. The crawler will ignore content that this user does not have "live" access to.
Note: Non-ascii Characters Non-ascii characters can not be used in the query string section of URLs. For this reason, it is best not to name Web Content Management items using Non-ascii characters if you plan to use URLs to call Web Content Management items.
- "Levels of Linked documents to collect" should be set to 1.
Parent topic: Search Options.
IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -
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