Document Manager Component Tag


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The Document Manager Component tag is used to reference a Document Manager Component stored in a Site, Site Area or Content item within a Presentation Template or Component Design. It is also used to reference the content of Document Manager documents in a Personalization Component design.

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type=" " 
                      context=" " 
                      name=" " 
                      key=" " 
                      scope=" " 
                      attributename=" " 
                      format=" " 
                      convertTo=" " 
                      start=" " 
                      end=" " />

<DocumentManagerCmpnt Opens a Component Tag.
type=" " Determines where the component is being referenced from. Either "content", "sitearea", "site" or "personalization".Note: Referencing Document Manager content using a Personalization rule or content spot

If you use a Personalization Component Tag to reference Document Manager content displayed in a Personalization rule or content spot, you will only be able to retrieve attributes about the document. To display the document itself use a Document Manager Component tag with type="personalization"

context=" " Determines which item is being referenced.


Refers to a particular item as specified in the Name attribute below.


This will reference the component from the current Site, Site Area or Content file that is being browsed by the user.


The component being referenced will be determined by the search parameters of a Menu, Navigator or Taxonomy component.
name=" " Name of the item the Component is being referenced from. This is not used if context=current or context=autofill
key=" " Name of the Component being referenced from the Site, Site Area or Content item. This is not required if type="personalization".
scope=" " The scope specifies what will be returned from the selected Document Manager document:


This will display the content of the Document Manager document.


This will display the URL to the Document Manager document.


This will display a particular attribute of the Document Manager document.
attributeName=" " If scope="attribute" use this parameter to specify the attribute to display.
format=" " This parameter accepts any format string which is valid under the rules defined in the Java class "java.text.SimpleDateFormat".

Example: If an attribute is a "date", the format of the date can be specified here. E.g. - "dd/MM/yyyy" would format a date as 16/08/2004.

convertTo=" " Used to specify a mime type that the document should be converted to. E.g. - "text/html" or "application/pdf".
start=" "
end=" "
The Start and End attributes are used to wrap the data returned by an Web Content Management Tag within other tags, such as HTML. These attributes are not mandatory. See the Using Start and End Attributes topic for more information on using these attributes.
/> Closes a Web Content Management Tag.



Displaying the attributes of a Document Manager document: To display the "title" of a Document Manager document, the following tag could be used:

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" 
                      attributeName="title" />

To display the "last modified" date of a Document Manager document, the following tag could be used:

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" 
                      format="dd/MM/yyyy" />

Displaying the content of a Document Manager document: To display the content of a Document Manager document, the following tag could be used:

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" 
                      scope="Document" />

Depending on the content type being returned, you may also need to convert the content to HTML. In this case you would use the following tag:

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" 
                      convertTo="text/html" />

Displaying the URL of a Document Manager document: To display the URL of a Document Manager document, the following tag could be used:

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" 
                      convertTo="text/html" />

Displaying the URL of a Document Manager document as a link: To display the URL of a Document Manager document as a link in a web page, the following tags could be used:

<a href="<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" context="current" key="component_name" scope="DocumentURL" convertTo="text/html" /> ">

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="content" context="current" key="component_name" scope="Attribute" attributeName="title" /> </a>

Using a Document Manager Component tag in a Personalization Component design: If you use a Personalization Component tag to reference Document Manager content displayed in a Personalization rule or content spot, you will only be able to retrieve attributes about the document. To display the document itself use a Document Manager Component tag with type="personalization"

<DocumentManagerCmpnt type="personalization" 
                      convertTo="text/html" />

Parent topic: Referencing Document Manager Components.

Parent topic: Web Content Management Tags.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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