Develop a Taxonomy
Categories are grouped within Taxonomies. Categories are also grouped into ancestors, and descendants within a Taxonomy. For example, here is a MetaBank taxonomy:
- Financial
- Banking Solutions.
- Interest Rates
- Personal.
- Business.
- Corporate.
- News
- Taxonomy = MetaBank taxonomy
- Financial is the Ancestor of Interest Rates, Personal, Business, Corporate and Banking Solutions
- Personal, Business and Corporate are the descendants of Interest Rates and Financial
Using Categories to Profile Content
When building a hierarchy of Taxonomies and Categories it is important to consider how a Menu will use your Categories in a Search. This is because Menus search both upwards and downwards within groups of Categories.
If you base a Menu on a top-level Category, all Content profiled with Categories belonging to that top-level Category and their descendants will appear in the Menu. In the above example, a Menu based on Financial will display Content profiled with any of the following:
- Financial
- Banking Solutions.
- Interest Rates
- Personal.
- Business.
- Corporate.
If you base a Menu on a mid-level Category, all Content profiled with the mid-level Category or its descendants or its ancestors appear in the Menu. A Menu based on Interest Rates, it will display Content profiled with any of the following:
- Financial
- Interest Rates
- Personal.
- Business.
- Corporate.
If you base a Menu on a bottom-level Category, all Content profiled with the bottom-level Category or its Ancestors will be returned by the Menu. A Menu based on Business will display Content profiled with any of the following:
- Financial
- Interest Rates
- Business.
It is recommended that, in most cases, only bottom-level Categories be used to profile Content. This will give you more control over what will display in Menus.
Taxonomies cannot be used in Web Content Management Menu Searches. If you would like to have a Menu return results based on Content profiled with any Category in a Taxonomy, create a single Top-Level Category and base the Menu on the Top-Level Category.
Parent topic: Profiling.
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