Change the order within a Taxonomy
Use the Move To button to change where a Category fits into the Taxonomy:
- Open the Authoring Portlet (Web Content Authoring)
- Click on Site Management and then Category Management in the Item Views Navigator (located on the left pane of the Authoring Portlet (Web Content Authoring)).
- A list of Taxonomies and Categories is displayed in the Item Views Navigator Clicking on a Taxonomy or Category displays a list of child Categories in the Item Index. Select the Categories you would like to reposition in the Item Index then click the Move To button from the Button Bar
- The Move To dialogue box will open.
- Navigate through the list of Taxonomies and Categories from the Tree in the left-hand pane of the dialog and then select the Taxonomy or Category you would like to move the Category to from the index.
- Click OK
Note: have Read access to a Category to use the Move To button. Parent topic: Profiling.
IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -
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