Authoring Portlet Access Control

The Access Control section of the Authoring Portlet's configuration view is used to manage each User's access to the different views in the Authoring portlet. have administration access in WebSphere Portal to do this.


Access Controls Levels

There are three levels of access control to the Authoring Portlet:

Administrators Any User belonging to the Web Content Management administration group has full access to all views and items in the Authoring Portlet and do not need to be added to the Access Control section of the Authoring Portlet's configuration view.

Note that the Web Content Management administration group is the group selected in the Administration Group parameter of connect.cfg

View/Read Users given View/Read access are given limited access to a particular item or view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features. View/Read access can be applied to the items and views listed below.

Note that if a User has Edit access to an item, but only View/Read access to a view in the Authoring Portlet, they will still be able to edit the Item.

Manage Users given Manage access are given full access to a particular item or view. Manage access can be applied to the items and views listed below. Note that if a User only has Read access to an item, but Management access to a view in the Authoring Portlet, they still will not be able to edit the Item.

Access Control View/Read access Management access
Content Management Grants View access to the Content Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Content item that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Content Management view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Content item that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Site Management Grants View access to the Site Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Site and Site Area that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Site Management view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Site and Site Area that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Category Management Grants View access to the Category Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Taxonomy and Category that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Category Management view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Taxonomy and Category that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

User Profile Grants View access to the Category Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants access to the User Profile button.

Grants Read access to each User Profile, but no access to Taxonomies and Categories.

Grants View access to the Category Management view.

Grants access to the User Profile button.

Grants Edit access to each User Profile, but no access to Taxonomies and Categories.

Component Library Grants View access to the Component Library view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Library Component that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Component Library view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Library Component that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Authoring Templates Grants View access to the Authoring Templates view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Authoring Template that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Authoring Templates view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Authoring Template that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Presentation Templates Grants View access to the Presentation Templates view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Presentation Template that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Presentation Templates view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Presentation Template that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Search Rules Grants View access to the Search Rules view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Search Rule that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Search Rules view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Search Rule that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Workflow Management Grants View access to the Workflow Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Workflow, Workflow Stage and Action that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the Workflow Management view and related functions.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Workflow, Workflow Stage and Action that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

VManagement Grants View access to the VManagement view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each item in the Vlibrary that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to the VManagement view and related VLibrary functions.
Syndication Grants View access to both the Syndicators and Subscribers views. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features.

Grants Read access to each Syndicator and Subscriber item that a User has Read access to.

Grants full access to both the Syndicators and Subscribers views.

Grants Read, Edit or Delete access to each Syndicator and Subscriber item that a User has Read, Edit or Delete access to.

Cache Management Grants View access to the Cache Management view. This includes limiting their access to certain buttons, forms and features. Grants full access to the Cache Management view and related Cache Management functions.


Create Role-Based Groups

It is recommended that rather than add individual Users, that a set of role-based Groups are created in Member Manager and that these are added to the Authoring Portlet's access control. It will then be easier to set a User's access to the Authoring Portlet as you will only need to add them to a single Group in Member Manager, rather than having to add the names multiple time in the Authoring Portlet's access control.

Here are some examples of the types of role-based Groups you could create in Member Manager.

Member Manger Group View/Read access Management access
Content Creators   Content Management.
Site Managers Content Management.


Parent topic: Configure the Authoring Portlet

Parent topic: Access and Security.

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