Access the pre-rendered Site


Access the pre-rendered Site via the Web Content Management application

To enable Users to access the pre-rendered site via the Web Content Management (WCM) application, the "default" module in connect.cfg must be changed from:

<Default class=com.aptrix.pluto.renderer.RendererModule remoteAccess=true autoLoad=false />


<Default class=com.aptrix.cacher.CacherModule remoteAccess=true autoLoad=false />

Users access the site via the following URL:


Connect Tags are not processed by the CacherModule and are rendered "intact". When the pre-rendered page is accessed by a User, only then will the Connect Tags be processed.

The Pre-Rendering feature cannot be used to pre-render JSP Components.

Non-ascii characters can not be used in the query string section of URLs. For this reason, it is best not to name WCM items using Non-ascii characters if you plan to use URLs to call Web Content Management items.

A Component, such as a Menu, that contains links to WCM Content not yet pre-rendered will be retrieved by the CacherModule and added to the pre-rendered site. This only applies to Content belonging to Sites configured to be pre-rendered.

Custom Caching parameters cannot be used in "Connect" tags and URL requests in pre-rendered Sites. However, "EXPIRES=" and "CONNECTORCACHEEXPIRY=" can be used to override your Server's default Basic and Data cache settings.

The Web Content Management Authoring Portlet can still be accessed when the default class is changed from RendererModule to CacherModule so long as it has not been added to the lists of Sites to be pre-rendered. (See the Cacher Configuration section).

If using the URL interface when the CacherModule is default, you do not need to specify "?mod=cacher". Instead, the request can be written as follows:



Access the pre-rendered Site via the WCM application via a HTTP Server

configure your HTTP server to map to the following alias and WCM directories:

Alias Directory
wps/wcm/connect [ILWWCM_HOME]/ilwwcm/cacher

If using a Web Server to view a pre-rendered site, the above directories require execute access.

Users access the site via the following URL:


Connect Tags are not processed by the CacherModule and are rendered "intact". When the page is viewed via a HTTP Server, Connect Tags cannot be processed. Therefore, Connect Tags cannot be used in Sites that are to be viewed via a HTTP Server

The Pre-Rendering feature cannot be used to pre-render JSP Components.

When viewing a pre-rendered Site via a Web Server, any Dynamic elements such as Menus and Navigators will be displayed as rendered by the configured CacherModule User, not by the User accessing the Site. This means personalization cannot be used

Parent topic: pre-rendered Sites.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1


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IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.