Using wsadmin to enable the PMI service

In order to configure the PMI service of a specific appserver, a reference to the PMI service configuration object of that application server is needed. All PMI service configuration objects can be listed using the wsadmin list PMIService command:

WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node net1Manager using SOAP connector;  The type of process is: DeploymentManager
WASX7029I: For help, enter: "$Help help"


wsadmin>$AdminConfig list PMIService





Figure 16-5 Using wsadmin to list the PMI service configuration objects

Each line of output contains the PMIService configuration ID that can be used for referencing the PMIService component of a specific appserver.

To enable performance data monitoring, use the following wsadmin modify command with your specific PMI service configuration ID:

wsadmin> $AdminConfig modify \ 
	(cells/net1Network/nodes/node1/servers/server1: \
	server.xml#PMIService_1) {{enable true}}

The configuration needs to be saved before restarting the appserver. Use the wsadmin save command to save the configuration:

wsadmin> $AdminConfig save

To restart the appserver, use these wsadmin commands (in a single-server environment, don't specify the node in the startServer command):

wsadmin> $AdminControl stopServer server1
wsadmin> $AdminControl startServer {server1} {net1}

To disable performance data collection, use the following wsadmin modify command (save the configuration and restart the appserver for the change to take effect):

wsadmin> $AdminConfig modify \ 
	(cells/net1Network/nodes/node1/servers/server1: \
	server.xml#PMIService_1) {{enable false}}

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