Using the Administrative Console to set instrumentation levels

The instrumentation levels are set using the same configuration panel as was used to enable the PMI service. To set the instrumentation levels to be used at application startup as shown in Figure 16-4:

1. Expand the Servers folder from the navigation tree.

2. Click Application Servers from the Servers folder.

3. Click the name of your appserver (for example, server1) from the list of application servers in the workspace.

4. Click the Performance Monitoring Service entry in the Additional Properties pane of the workspace.

5. Select None, Standard, or Custom. If you choose Custom, type over the level in the window. N,L,M,H,X represent none, low, medium, high, and maximum respectively.

6. Click OK and save your changes.

Tip: After saving the initial instrumentation level configuration, the Performance Monitoring Service properties pane shows two pages. The Configuration page is used to set the initial settings and the Runtime page is used to alter the instrumentation level at runtime without having to restart the appserver.

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