Using a network sprayer
The HA firewall through clustering service discussed above is very costly and its configuration is complicated. It can be used by high-end customers. You can also set up an HA firewall with a network sprayer such as WebSphere Edge Components' Load Balancer, as shown in Figure 13-13. The Load Balancer (LB) is a load balancing product that divides up the workload generated by new connections among a group of back-end servers. This can be done either by changing the assignment between the host name and the IP address (DNS redirection), or by rerouting TCP and UDP traffic directly to the server with the lowest workload. LB also recognizes server failures and automatically keeps new requests from being dispatched to the failed server.
There are two approaches to using the WebSphere Edge Components' sprayer to build an HA firewall environment:
Interactive Session Support (ISS)
Load Balancer
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