Workload from both


If workload is arriving via the Web and EJB containers and also via MDBs then there has to be enough resources available to cope with both. Unless specified, both sets of workload will use the same objects from within WAS. This means that requests for sending and receiving messages will need to obtain QueueConnection and QueueSession objects from the same QCF as the message listener service.

When the application is receiving a workload from both directions, front end and back end, it is essential to correctly configure the QCF and TCF objects to avoid unnecessary waiting.

As the amount of resources to run the message listener service can be calculated based on the maximum number listener port sessions, it might be worth having two QCFs or TCFs. In this way it is possible to split the workload back in to a QCF for Web and EJB container workload and a QCF for the message listener service.

Configuring QCFs and TCFs to split the workload is covered in Choosing optimal configuration settings.

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