Web server plug-in failover performance tuning
As explained earlier, the Web server plug-in uses an XML configuration file called plugin-cfg.xml to determine information about the WebSphere domain it is serving.
The plug-in also uses this configuration file to determine how to route HTTP requests to the Web containers. For detailed information about how the plug-in makes this determination, refer to 5.4, WebSphere plug-in workload management.
You can modify the plugin-cfg.xml file for better failover performance:
Divide the servers into a primary server list and a backup server list. This is a new feature in WebSphere V5, also called two-level failover support. When the plugin-cfg.xml file is generated, by default all servers are in the primary server list. You can manually move some servers into the backup server list. Refer to Primary and backup servers and Primary and backup servers cluster two-level failover for details. Adjust the plugin-cfg.xml refresh time (for details, see Refresh interval of the plug-in). Adjust the RetryInterval. See RetryInterval and operating system TCP timeout for more information. Add ConnectTimeout attribute for each server (this is explained in ConnectTimeout setting).
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