Setup and configuration
We set up and configured our test environment as follows:
1. Set up the network and shared disk: As discussed above, set up the public networks and private networks. Physically connect both nodes to a shared disk and configure the logical volume (VxVM) group that can be accessed by both nodes, although not concurrently.
2. Configure a cluster: Install VCS according to the manual. Create a cluster and configure the cluster with the public and private networks.
3. Create the database instance for WebSphere: Install Oracle on both nodes. Create a database instance home directory in the disk group owned by the service group, create the database owner user and specify the home directory just created. Create the Oracle database for the persistent session and application databases.
4. Configure a service group for the WebSphere databases: Configure the database instance under VCS control by configuring the database agent and modifying the cluster configuration. Add resources by using VCS GUI or editing the and files. Verify and enable the configuration using hacf -verify.
5. Test the cluster: Verify the cluster by taking the resource group offline and online. Test the cluster by taking the resource group online and by initiating some faults such as killing the process. The monitor should correctly detect failures and failover. Test the WebSphere system as discussed in the previous sections.
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