Running Tivoli Performance Viewer

To start Tivoli Performance Viewer on Windows platforms, do one of the following: Select Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application Server v5.1 -> Tivoli Performance Viewer. Or use the command line:

<WAS_HOME>\bin\tperfviewer.bat <host_name> <port_number> <connector_type>

For example:

<WAS_HOME>\bin\tperfviewer.bat localhost 8879 SOAP

Note On UNIX platforms, type into a shell:

<WAS_HOME>/bin/ <host_name> <port_number> <connector_type>

The default port number varies based on the WebSphere software version in use. For example, the default SOAP connector port for WebSphere Network Deployment is 8879 while the default port for WebSphere Base is 8880. The reason for this is that in a Network Deployment environment, TPV connects to the Deployment Manager host rather than to the individual appserver.

If you start tperfviewer.bat(sh) without any parameters, it will automatically use the default port first. If that fails, a pop-up window asking for new ports appears.


Default SOAP connector ports

8879 for WAS Network Deployment
8880 for WAS Base


Default RMI connector ports

9809 for WAS Network Deployment
2809 for WAS Base

Note In case your environment is not set up with the default ports, you can find the correct port numbers for your environment by looking for them using the Administrative Console or in SystemOut.log file.

Tip for iSeries users: On iSeries, you can connect the Tivoli Performance Viewer to an iSeries instance from either a Windows, an AIX, or a UNIX client as described above. To discover the RMI or SOAP port for the iSeries instance, start Qshell and enter the following command:

<product_installation_directory>/bin/dspwasinst -instance <myInstance>


<product_installation_directory> is your iSeries install directory.
<myInstance> is the instance name used when you created the iSeries instance.

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