Refreshing data
New performance data can become available in either of the following situations:
An administrator uses the console to change the instrumentation level for a resource (for example, from medium to high). An administrator uses the console to add a new resource (for example, an enterprise bean or a servlet) to the run time. In both cases, if the resource in question is already polled by the Tivoli Performance Viewer or the parent of the resource is being polled, the system is automatically refreshed. If more counters are added for a group that the Performance Viewer is already polling, the Performance Viewer automatically adds the counters to the table or chart views. If the parent of the newly added resource is polled, the new resource is detected automatically and added to the Resource Selection tree. You can refresh the Resource Selection tree, or parts of it, by selecting the appropriate node and clicking the Refresh icon, or by right-clicking a resource and choosing Refresh.
When an appserver runs, the Performance Viewer tree automatically updates the server local structure, including its containers and enterprise beans, to reflect changes on the server. However, if a stopped server starts after the Performance Viewer starts, a manual refresh operation is required so that the server structure accurately reflects in the Resource Selection tree.
Clicking Refresh with server selected under the Viewer icon causes TPV to query the server for new PMI and product configuration information.
Use the following steps:
1. Select one or more resources in the Resource Selection panel. 2. Click File -> Refresh. Alternatively, click the Refresh icon or right-click the resource and select Refresh. Clicking refresh with server selected under the Advisor icon causes TPV to refresh the advice provided, but will not refresh PMI or product configuration information.
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