Refresh interval of the plug-in
There will also be a delay in the WebSphere plug-in, since it checks for a new configuration file only at specified time intervals. This interval (in seconds) is determined by the refreshInterval attribute of the Config element in the plugin-cfg.xml file. If a new configuration file has been generated, then there could be a delay of anything up to the number specified in this setting before the plug-in will load the new configuration.
Example 5-3 Plugin-cfg.xml extract showing RefreshInterval
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <Config ASDisableNagle="false" AcceptAllContent="false" IISDisableNagle="false" IgnoreDNSFailures="false" RefreshInterval="60" ResponseChunkSize="64"> <Log LogLevel="Error" Name="C:\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\http_plugin.log"/>
If the RefreshInterval has passed, the actual loading of the new plug-in configuration file into the plug-in runtime is triggered by a request to the Web server.
In a development environment in which changes are frequent, a lower setting than the default setting of 60 is preferable. In production, a higher value than the default is preferable because updates to the configuration will not occur as often.
Note: There are two situations where the generated plug-in configuration file will not reflect changes to an application without the appserver(s) being restarted:
- If a change is made to the virtual host that a Web module uses.
- If auto-reload is disabled in a Web module. Upon regeneration, the new URI information will still appear in the plugin-cfg.xml file, but the updated Web module components will not be picked up until the appserver is restarted.
WAS V5.1 does not automatically regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file. There are also certain settings in the plug-in configuration file that cannot be configured via WebSphere administrative tools, for example the load balancing method or the retry interval. These values need to be set manually.
If you are working in a development environment, where constant changes are being made to installed applications, you could use the embedded HTTP transport to access your application.
For example, point your browser to http://myhost:9080/servlet, which will bypass the plug-in.
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