Ordered routing process
To achieve session affinity, the plug-in will parse the client's session information, extract the previous CloneID, and match this CloneID with the CloneIDs in the server cluster object. When the matching cluster member is found, the server will retrieve this client's session from the in-memory cache. When the matched appserver is not available, the plug-in will route the client to another server, and appends the new server's CloneID into the client's session. WebSphere V5 uses the weight-based ordered routing, which eliminates the possibility that two different servers are selected after a failover for concurrent (multiple thread) clients (which might have been a problem in WebSphere V4.x where the adoptive server selection was random).
Example 9-8 Trace ordered routing process
TRACE: ws_common: websphereParseCloneID: Returning list of clone idsTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Looking for cloneTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetFirstPrimaryServer: getting the first primary serverTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Comparing curCloneID 'u307p2vq' to server clone id 'u307p2vq'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Match for clone 'HAClusterServer1'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupCheckServerStatus: Checking status of HAClusterServer1, ignoreWeights 1, markedDown 1, retryNow 0, wlbAllows 0TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupCheckServerStatus: Server HAClusterServer1 is marked down; retry in 58TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetNextPrimaryServer: getting the next primary serverTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Comparing curCloneID 'u307p2vq' to server clone id 'u307p62u'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetNextPrimaryServer: getting the next primary serverTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetFirstPrimaryServer: getting the first primary serverTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Comparing curCloneID 'u307p62u' to server clone id 'u307p2vq'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetNextPrimaryServer: getting the next primary serverTRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Comparing curCloneID 'u307p62u' to server clone id 'u307p62u'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Match for clone 'HAClusterServer3'TRACE: ws_server_group: serverGroupCheckServerStatus: Checking status of HAClusterServer3, ignoreWeights 1, markedDown 0, retryNow 0, wlbAllows 1TRACE: ws_server_group: lockedServerGroupUseServer: Server HAClusterServer3 picked, weight 3.TRACE: ws_common: websphereHandleSessionAffinity: Setting server to HAClusterServer3TRACE: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Finding the transportTRACE: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Setting the transport: on port 9081TRACE: ws_common: websphereExecute: Executing the transaction with the app serverTRACE: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Getting the stream to the app serverTRACE: ws_transport: transportStreamDequeue: Checking for existing stream from the queueTRACE: ws_common: websphereSocketIsClosed: Checking to see if socket is still openTRACE: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Using existing stream from transport queueTRACE: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Writing the request:
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