Naming and name spaces


Naming is used by clients of IBM WAS V5.x applications to obtain references to objects related to those applications, such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) homes.

These objects are bound into a mostly hierarchical structure, referred to as a name space. An InitialContext is used to access objects in the name space. To obtain an InititalContext a bootstrap server and port can be supplied. If one is not supplied, then default values will be used specific to the client type and its environment.

WAS name servers are an implementation of the CORBA CosNaming interface.

Each appserver, Node Agent, and the Deployment Manager has its own name space. However, the separate name spaces are federated (through context links between the name spaces) to form a single logical name space for the cell.

The default port value for the bootstrap server provider URL now defaults to port 2809 as required by the CORBA 2.3 specification.

InitialContext requests participate in workload management when the provider URL is a clustered resource (cluster member) and they do not when they are not a clustered resource.

More information about naming and name spaces can be found in the redbook IBM WebSphere Version 5.0 System Management and Configuration, SG24-6195. Chapter 4 explains the concept in detail.

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