Deployment Manager

Node Agents and the Deployment Manager work together to manage administrative tasks and to make configuration and operational changes.

If a Node Agent server is not available, an error message similar to the following is shown:

RoutingTable  W ADMC0047W: Lost connection to the node agent at node 
"ws-squirrel". The routing table is updated to remove the entry for this 
RoutingTable  W ADMC0047W: Lost connection to the node agent at node 
"ws-volcano". The routing table is updated to remove the entry for this 

If a Node Agent fails, the Deployment Manager may remove servers on that node from its WLM routing table and will publish this information to other nodes where the Node Agent is still active.

Administrative tasks from the Deployment Manager to that node will fail if the Node Agent is not available, any configuration and operational changes will not be reflected in this node. Once the failed Node Agent recovers, the routing table will be updated and published to all other nodes again.

RoutingTable  A ADMC0048I: Established the connection to previously 
disconnected nodeagent at node ws-squirrel
RoutingTable  A ADMC0048I: Established the connection to previously 
disconnected nodeagent at node ws-volcano

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