firststeps command
The firststeps command starts the First Steps tool. First Steps is a post-installation ease-of-use tool for directing WAS elements from one place. Options dynamically appear on the First Steps panel, depending on features you install. With all options present, you can use First Steps to...
- Start or stop the appserver
- Verify the installation
- Access the information center
- Access the administrative console
- access the Samples Gallery
- Launch the product registration.
First Steps starts automatically at the end of the installation. If it is not running, start First Steps from the command line...
Location of command file
Beginning with V5.1, the location of the or firststeps.bat script is...
- On Linux and UNIX-based server platforms:
$WAS_HOME/firststeps/ On Windows platforms:
No parameters are associated with this command.
Syntax for the firststeps command on a Linux or UNIX-based platform
The command syntax is as follows
Syntax for the firststeps command on a Windows platform
The command syntax is as follows
Usage tips
If this is the first time you have used the First Steps panel since installing the product, click Verify installation to make sure that all is well with your installation. The verification process starts the server for you. Do not select the Start the server option at the same time that the IVT is running. There is a known problem if you select the Start the server option at the same time that the IVT is running.
After selecting the Start the server option, an output screen displays with status messages. The success message informs you that the server is open for business. Then the menu item changes to Stop the server.
Do not select any other options from the First Steps panel after selecting the Start the server option. There is a known problem if you select Verify Installation after selecting the Start the server option.
The Web administrative console is a configuration editor that runs in a Web browser. It lets you work with appserver configuration files encoded in XML. Changes made using the Web administrative console take effect the next time you start the appserver. To launch the administrative console, click Administrative console. You can also point your browser to http://your_host_name:9090/admin to start the administrative console. Substitute your own host name in the address. As the administrative console opens, it prompts you for a login name. This is not a security item, but merely a tag that allows you to identify configuration changes you make during the session.
From the First Steps menu, click on Samples gallery to explore the sample applications. Alternatively you can point your browser directly to http://your_host_name:9090/WSsamples. This is case sensitive. Substitute your own host name in the address.
If the Mozilla browser is your default browser, some of the links on the First Steps panel do not work. If you cannot use the First Steps panel, launch the links directly from your browser.
Links on the First Steps panel for the base WebSphere Application Server product...
Product Overview
WebSphere Infocenter
Samples Gallery http://localhost:9080/WSsamples Use the HTTP transport port if you changed the port setting during installation.
Administrative Console http://localhost:9090/admin Change the port number in a coexistence scenario.
Viewing the registration page in other languages
The Register the product entry on the First Steps menu displays the default welcome page in English.
Register the product $WAS_HOME/prt/PRT_Welcome.html To view other language versions of the page, browse the PRT directory to select a version. Use the last three letters before the .html extension of the file name to identify the language. For example, the following versions are included...
- German: PRT_Welcome_deu.html
- Spanish: PRT_Welcome_esp.html
- French: PRT_Welcome_fra.html
- Italian: PRT_Welcome_ita.html
- Portuguese: PRT_Welcome_ptb.html