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Transaction Service

The transaction service is a server runtime component that can coordinate updates to multiple resource managers to ensure atomic updates of data.Transactions are started and ended by applications or the container in which the applications are deployed. View more information about this field

Runtime Configuration
General Properties
View more information about this field Specifies the name of a directory for this server where the transaction service stores log files for recovery.Blank value in the server's configuration is expanded by the transaction log at startup to be the directory (install_root)/tranlog/(server_name).
Information required View more information about this field The maximum duration, in seconds, for transactions on this appserver. Any transaction that is not requested to complete before this timeout will be rolled back.
Information required View more information about this field The maximum duration, in seconds, between transactional requests from a remote client. Any period of client inactivity that exceeds this timeout results in the transaction being rolled back in this appserver.

Additional Properties
Custom Properties Additional custom properties for this service which may be configurable.