
Interface Summary
WSPrincipal Principal created after a successful JAAS authentication.
WSSecurityContext Deprecated. This class is being deprecated in favor of using JAAS.

Class Summary
WSSecurityContextResult Deprecated. This class is being deprecated in favor of using JAAS.
WSSubject The WSSubject class is provided to workaround a design oversight in Java 2 Security.

Exception Summary
AuthenticationFailedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
AuthenticationNotSupportedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
CredentialDestroyedException Thrown if credential is destroyed.
InvalidTokenException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
MapCredentialFailedException This exception is thrown when mapping a credential fails.
MapCredentialNotSupportedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
TokenCreationFailedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
TokenExpiredException This exception is thrown when a token is no longer valid.
UnsupportedRealmException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
ValidationFailedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
ValidationNotSupportedException This exception is thrown whenever authentication fails.
WSSecurityContextException Deprecated. This class is being deprecated in favor of using JAAS.


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