Exception Summary AdminException ConfigDataNotFoundException Indicate the config data does not exist in the document. ConfigDocumentLoadException This exception is thrown when config service fail to load the config document from repository. ConfigDocumentSaveException fail to save the config document from MOF data structure to repository. ConfigServiceException base class of all config service exception. ConnectorAuthenticationException ConnectorException Base exception thrown because of connector problems ConnectorNotAvailableException DocumentAlreadyExistsException DocumentChangedException DocumentIOException DocumentLockedException DocumentNotFoundException DocumentUnavailableException InvalidAdminClientTypeException InvalidAttributeNameException This exception is thrown if the attribute name or relationship name is not valid. InvalidAttributeValException InvalidConfigDataTypeException InvalidDocumentURIException Deprecated. Should use InvalidSessionException user see this exception when server side doesn't recogonize the session id. MalformedContainmentPathException NestedAdminException NoServerDefinedException No definition of the server exists within the configuration. ReadOnlyAttributeException This exception is thrown if the attribute is read only attribute and user tries to modify the attribute. RepositoryException RepositoryLockedException RequiredAttributeNotFoundException SessionTimeoutException VersionNotMatchException This exception is thrown when the version of input attribute list does not match up the version of the document in the repository.
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